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moved context typing lemmas into context file
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raoxiaojia committed Dec 8, 2023
1 parent 1aafdd8 commit 4304d61
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Showing 2 changed files with 155 additions and 146 deletions.
154 changes: 153 additions & 1 deletion theories/contexts.v
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrnat ssrbool eqtype seq.
From Coq Require Import Program NArith ZArith Wf_nat.
From Wasm Require Export common operations datatypes_properties properties opsem.
From Wasm Require Export common operations datatypes_properties properties opsem typing_inversion tactic.
Require Import FunInd Recdef.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -846,4 +846,156 @@ Proof.
by apply (list_label_ctx_eval.(ctx_reduce)).

Section Typing.

Let e_typing := @e_typing host_function.
Let inst_typing := @inst_typing host_function.
Let frame_typing := @frame_typing host_function.

Lemma fc_typing: forall (fc: frame_ctx) es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 (fc ⦃ es ⦄) tf ->
exists C ret,
frame_typing s fc.(FC_frame) C /\
length ret = fc.(FC_arity) /\
e_typing s (upd_return C (Some ret)) es (Tf nil ret).
move => fc es s C [ts1 ts2] /= Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [_ Htype]]]]]]].
rewrite -cat1s in Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [Htype _]]]]]]].
apply Local_typing in Htype as [? [-> [Htype Hlen]]].
inversion Htype as [??????? Hftype ? Hetype]; subst; clear Htype.
clear - Hftype Hetype Hlen.
by do 2 eexists; repeat split; eauto.

Lemma lc_typing: forall (lc: label_ctx) es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 (lc ⦃ es ⦄) tf ->
exists ts1 ts2,
e_typing s C0 (lc.(LC_cont)) (Tf ts1 ts2) /\
length ts1 = lc.(LC_arity) /\
e_typing s (upd_label C0 ([::ts1] ++ C0.(tc_label))) es (Tf nil ts2).
move => lc es s C [ts1 ts2] /= Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [_ Htype]]]]]]].
rewrite -cat1s in Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [Htype _]]]]]]].
apply Label_typing in Htype as [? [? [-> [Hconttype [Htype Hlen]]]]].
by do 2 eexists; split; eauto.

Definition lab_lc_agree (lab: list value_type) (lc: label_ctx) : bool :=
length lab == lc.(LC_arity).

Lemma lcs_typing_exists: forall (lcs: list label_ctx) es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 (lcs ⦃ es ⦄) tf ->
exists labs ts1 ts2,
e_typing s (upd_label C0 (labs ++ C0.(tc_label))) es (Tf ts1 ts2) /\
all2 lab_lc_agree labs lcs /\
(lcs <> nil -> ts1 = nil).
induction lcs as [|lc' lcs']; move => es s C0 [ts1 ts2] Htype.
- exists nil, ts1, ts2.
by destruct C0.
- apply IHlcs' in Htype as [labs [ts1' [ts2' [Htype [Hagree Hconsume]]]]].
apply lc_typing in Htype as [? [? [Hctype [Hartiy Htype]]]].
simpl in *.
rewrite upd_label_overwrite in Htype.
rewrite -cat1s catA in Htype.
do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto => /=.
apply/andP; split => //.
by apply/eqP.

Lemma cc_typing_exists: forall (cc: closure_ctx) es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 cc ⦃ es ⦄ tf ->
exists C ret labs ts2,
frame_typing s (cc.1).(FC_frame) C /\
length ret = (cc.1).(FC_arity) /\
e_typing s (upd_label (upd_return C (Some ret)) labs) es (Tf nil ts2).
move => [fc lcs] es s C0 tf Htype.
apply fc_typing in Htype as [C [ret [? [? Htype]]]].
destruct lcs; first by do 4 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
apply lcs_typing_exists in Htype as [labs [ts1 [ts2 [Htype [Hagree Hconsume]]]]].
do 4 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
by rewrite Hconsume in Htype => //; eauto.

Lemma ccs_typing_exists: forall cc ccs es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 (cc :: ccs) ⦃ es ⦄ tf ->
exists C ret labs ts2,
frame_typing s (cc.1).(FC_frame) C /\
length ret = (cc.1).(FC_arity) /\
e_typing s (upd_label (upd_return C (Some ret)) labs) es (Tf nil ts2).
move => cc ccs.
move: cc.
induction ccs as [| cc' ccs']; move => [fc lcs] es s C0 tf Htype.
- by eapply cc_typing_exists; eauto.
- apply IHccs' in Htype as [? [? [? [? [? [??]]]]]].
by eapply cc_typing_exists; eauto.

Lemma ccs_typing_focus: forall cc ccs es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 (cc :: ccs) ⦃ es ⦄ tf ->
exists C ret labs tf,
e_typing s (upd_label (upd_return C ret) labs) (cc ⦃ es ⦄) tf.
move => cc ccs.
move: cc.
induction ccs as [| cc' ccs']; move => [fc lcs] es s C0 tf Htype.
- exists C0, (tc_return C0), (tc_label C0), tf.
by destruct C0.
- apply IHccs' in Htype as [? [? [? [? Htype]]]].
apply cc_typing_exists in Htype as [C [ret [lab [ts2 [Hftype [Hlen Htype]]]]]].
exists C, (Some ret), lab, (Tf nil ts2).
by apply Htype.

Lemma sc_typing_args: forall (sc: seq_ctx) es s C ts0,
e_typing s C (sc ⦃ es ⦄) (Tf nil ts0) ->
exists k ts2, e_typing s C es (Tf (map typeof (drop k (rev sc.1))) ts2).
move => [vs0 es0] es s C ts0 /=Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [ts1 [ts2 [ts3 [ts4 [Heq [? [Htype1 Htype2]]]]]]].
destruct ts1, ts2 => //; subst; clear Heq.
apply et_to_bet in Htype1; last by apply const_list_is_basic, v_to_e_const.
apply Const_list_typing in Htype1 as ->.
simpl in Htype2.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype2 as [ts1 [ts2 [ts4 [ts5 [Heq [-> [Htype _]]]]]]].
exists (size ts1), ts5.
by rewrite map_drop Heq drop_size_cat.

Lemma e_typing_ops: forall (ccs: list closure_ctx) (sc: seq_ctx) es s C0 ts0,
e_typing s C0 (ccs ⦃ sc ⦃ es ⦄ ⦄) (Tf nil ts0) ->
exists C' k ts, e_typing s C' es (Tf (map typeof (drop k (rev sc.1))) ts).
move => ccs [vs0 es0] es s C0 ts0.
destruct ccs as [ | cc' ccs']; move => Htype.
- apply sc_typing_args in Htype as [? [? Htype]].
by do 3 eexists; eauto.
- apply ccs_typing_exists in Htype as [? [? [? [? [? [? Htype]]]]]].
apply sc_typing_args in Htype as [? [? Htype]].
by do 3 eexists; eauto.

Lemma e_typing_ops_local: forall cc (ccs: list closure_ctx) (sc: seq_ctx) es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 ((cc :: ccs) ⦃ sc ⦃ es ⦄ ⦄) tf ->
exists C C' ret labs k ts,
frame_typing s (cc.1).(FC_frame) C /\
length ret = (cc.1).(FC_arity) /\
C' = (upd_label (upd_return C (Some ret)) labs) /\
e_typing s C' es (Tf (map typeof (drop k (rev sc.1))) ts).
move => cc ccs [vs0 es0] es s C0 tf Htype.
- apply ccs_typing_exists in Htype as [? [? [? [? [? [? Htype]]]]]].
apply sc_typing_args in Htype as [? [? Htype]].
by do 6 eexists; eauto.

End Typing.

End Host.
147 changes: 2 additions & 145 deletions theories/interpreter_ctx.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,149 +46,6 @@ Let list_label_ctx_eval := @list_label_ctx_eval host_function host_instance.
Let list_closure_ctx_eval := @list_closure_ctx_eval host_function host_instance.
Let lh_ctx_fill_aux := @lh_ctx_fill_aux host_function host_instance.

Lemma fc_typing: forall (fc: frame_ctx) es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 (fc ⦃ es ⦄) tf ->
exists C ret,
frame_typing s fc.(FC_frame) C /\
length ret = fc.(FC_arity) /\
e_typing s (upd_return C (Some ret)) es (Tf nil ret).
move => fc es s C [ts1 ts2] /= Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [_ Htype]]]]]]].
rewrite -cat1s in Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [Htype _]]]]]]].
apply Local_typing in Htype as [? [-> [Htype Hlen]]].
inversion Htype as [??????? Hftype ? Hetype]; subst; clear Htype.
clear - Hftype Hetype Hlen.
by do 2 eexists; repeat split; eauto.

Lemma lc_typing: forall (lc: label_ctx) es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 (lc ⦃ es ⦄) tf ->
exists ts1 ts2,
e_typing s C0 (lc.(LC_cont)) (Tf ts1 ts2) /\
length ts1 = lc.(LC_arity) /\
e_typing s (upd_label C0 ([::ts1] ++ C0.(tc_label))) es (Tf nil ts2).
move => lc es s C [ts1 ts2] /= Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [_ Htype]]]]]]].
rewrite -cat1s in Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [? [? [? [? [-> [-> [Htype _]]]]]]].
apply Label_typing in Htype as [? [? [-> [Hconttype [Htype Hlen]]]]].
by do 2 eexists; split; eauto.

Definition lab_lc_agree (lab: list value_type) (lc: label_ctx) : bool :=
length lab == lc.(LC_arity).

Lemma lcs_typing_exists: forall (lcs: list label_ctx) es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 (lcs ⦃ es ⦄) tf ->
exists labs ts1 ts2,
e_typing s (upd_label C0 (labs ++ C0.(tc_label))) es (Tf ts1 ts2) /\
all2 lab_lc_agree labs lcs /\
(lcs <> nil -> ts1 = nil).
induction lcs as [|lc' lcs']; move => es s C0 [ts1 ts2] Htype.
- exists nil, ts1, ts2.
by destruct C0.
- apply IHlcs' in Htype as [labs [ts1' [ts2' [Htype [Hagree Hconsume]]]]].
apply lc_typing in Htype as [? [? [Hctype [Hartiy Htype]]]].
simpl in *.
rewrite upd_label_overwrite in Htype.
rewrite -cat1s catA in Htype.
do 3 eexists; repeat split; eauto => /=.
apply/andP; split => //.
by apply/eqP.

Lemma cc_typing_exists: forall (cc: closure_ctx) es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 cc ⦃ es ⦄ tf ->
exists C ret labs ts2,
frame_typing s (cc.1).(FC_frame) C /\
length ret = (cc.1).(FC_arity) /\
e_typing s (upd_label (upd_return C (Some ret)) labs) es (Tf nil ts2).
move => [fc lcs] es s C0 tf Htype.
apply fc_typing in Htype as [C [ret [? [? Htype]]]].
destruct lcs; first by do 4 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
apply lcs_typing_exists in Htype as [labs [ts1 [ts2 [Htype [Hagree Hconsume]]]]].
do 4 eexists; repeat split; eauto.
by rewrite Hconsume in Htype => //; eauto.

Lemma ccs_typing_exists: forall cc ccs es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 (cc :: ccs) ⦃ es ⦄ tf ->
exists C ret labs ts2,
frame_typing s (cc.1).(FC_frame) C /\
length ret = (cc.1).(FC_arity) /\
e_typing s (upd_label (upd_return C (Some ret)) labs) es (Tf nil ts2).
move => cc ccs.
move: cc.
induction ccs as [| cc' ccs']; move => [fc lcs] es s C0 tf Htype.
- by eapply cc_typing_exists; eauto.
- apply IHccs' in Htype as [? [? [? [? [? [??]]]]]].
by eapply cc_typing_exists; eauto.

Lemma ccs_typing_focus: forall cc ccs es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 (cc :: ccs) ⦃ es ⦄ tf ->
exists C ret labs tf,
e_typing s (upd_label (upd_return C ret) labs) (cc ⦃ es ⦄) tf.
move => cc ccs.
move: cc.
induction ccs as [| cc' ccs']; move => [fc lcs] es s C0 tf Htype.
- exists C0, (tc_return C0), (tc_label C0), tf.
by destruct C0.
- apply IHccs' in Htype as [? [? [? [? Htype]]]].
apply cc_typing_exists in Htype as [C [ret [lab [ts2 [Hftype [Hlen Htype]]]]]].
exists C, (Some ret), lab, (Tf nil ts2).
by apply Htype.

Lemma sc_typing_args: forall (sc: seq_ctx) es s C ts0,
e_typing s C (sc ⦃ es ⦄) (Tf nil ts0) ->
exists k ts2, e_typing s C es (Tf (map typeof (drop k (rev sc.1))) ts2).
move => [vs0 es0] es s C ts0 /=Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [ts1 [ts2 [ts3 [ts4 [Heq [? [Htype1 Htype2]]]]]]].
destruct ts1, ts2 => //; subst; clear Heq.
apply et_to_bet in Htype1; last by apply const_list_is_basic, v_to_e_const.
apply Const_list_typing in Htype1 as ->.
simpl in Htype2.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype2 as [ts1 [ts2 [ts4 [ts5 [Heq [-> [Htype _]]]]]]].
exists (size ts1), ts5.
by rewrite map_drop Heq drop_size_cat.

Lemma e_typing_ops: forall (ccs: list closure_ctx) (sc: seq_ctx) es s C0 ts0,
e_typing s C0 (ccs ⦃ sc ⦃ es ⦄ ⦄) (Tf nil ts0) ->
exists C' k ts, e_typing s C' es (Tf (map typeof (drop k (rev sc.1))) ts).
move => ccs [vs0 es0] es s C0 ts0.
destruct ccs as [ | cc' ccs']; move => Htype.
- apply sc_typing_args in Htype as [? [? Htype]].
by do 3 eexists; eauto.
- apply ccs_typing_exists in Htype as [? [? [? [? [? [? Htype]]]]]].
apply sc_typing_args in Htype as [? [? Htype]].
by do 3 eexists; eauto.

Lemma e_typing_ops_local: forall cc (ccs: list closure_ctx) (sc: seq_ctx) es s C0 tf,
e_typing s C0 ((cc :: ccs) ⦃ sc ⦃ es ⦄ ⦄) tf ->
exists C C' ret labs k ts,
frame_typing s (cc.1).(FC_frame) C /\
length ret = (cc.1).(FC_arity) /\
C' = (upd_label (upd_return C (Some ret)) labs) /\
e_typing s C' es (Tf (map typeof (drop k (rev sc.1))) ts).
move => cc ccs [vs0 es0] es s C0 tf Htype.
- apply ccs_typing_exists in Htype as [? [? [? [? [? [? Htype]]]]]].
apply sc_typing_args in Htype as [? [? Htype]].
by do 6 eexists; eauto.

Definition empty_t_context := Build_t_context nil nil nil nil nil nil nil None.

Lemma config_typing_empty_inv: forall s es ts (C: t_context),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,7 +243,7 @@ Proof.
intros ts Htype; unfold s_of_cfg, es_of_cfg in Htype.
eapply config_typing_empty_inv in Htype as [Hstype Htype]; eauto.
apply ccs_typing_focus in Htype as [? [? [? [tf Htype]]]].
apply fc_typing in Htype as [? [? [Hftype [Hlen Htype]]]].
apply fc_typing in Htype as [? [? [Hftype [Hlen Htype]]]] => //.
apply lcs_typing_exists in Htype as [labs [ts1 [ts2 [Htype [Hagree Hconsume]]]]].
rewrite -> Hconsume in * => //; clear Hconsume.
apply sc_typing_args in Htype as [k [ts3 Htype]]; simpl in Htype.
Expand All @@ -408,7 +265,7 @@ Proof.
intros ts Htype; unfold s_of_cfg, es_of_cfg in Htype.
eapply config_typing_empty_inv in Htype as [Hstype Htype]; eauto.
apply ccs_typing_focus in Htype as [? [? [? [tf Htype]]]].
apply fc_typing in Htype as [? [? [Hftype [Hlen Htype]]]].
apply fc_typing in Htype as [? [? [Hftype [Hlen Htype]]]] => //.
apply lcs_typing_exists in Htype as [labs [ts1 [ts2 [Htype [Hagree Hconsume]]]]].
simpl in Htype.
apply e_composition_typing in Htype as [? [? [? [? [? [? [Htype1 Htype2]]]]]]]; subst.
Expand Down

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