A ROS package that you can let your robot move straight or rotate for a specified distance or radian.
- go_straight.launch
Let the robot move staight for a specified distance with a specified linear velocity. - go_turn.launch
Let the robot rotate for a specified radian with a specified angular velocity.
- odom_topic
The topic published from odom sensor (nav_msgs/Odometry). - cmd_vel_topic
The topic published to the robot mobile base (geometry_msgs/Twist). - distance
Linear or angular distance that robot will move for (m or rad). - velocity
Linear or angular velocity that robot will move with (m/s or rad/s). - ctrl_freq
The frequence of /cmd_vel topic is published(Hz). - tolerance
The tolerance distance when achieving the goal.
All default arguments are appropriate with Turtlebot3.
go_straight example: roslaunch go_straight_and_turn go_straight.launch odom_topic:=/odom cmd_vel_topic:=/cmd_vel distance:=0.5 velocity:=0.15 ctrl_freq:=8.0 tolerance:=0.005
go_turn example: roslaunch go_straight_and_turn go_turn.launch odom_topic:=/odom cmd_vel_topic:=/cmd_vel distance:=-1.57 velocity:=0.3 ctrl_freq:=8.0 tolerance:=0.05