RPForest is a lightweight and easy-to-use library for approximate nearest neighbor search. It is written in C++.
RPForest uses open source projects to run:
- Eigen - Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
Link to the repository: https://github.com/Vloods/RPForest
Build requires: CMake 3.13+(Tested on 3.13), Visual Studio (Tested on VS 2019)
- Install CMake, VS if necessary
- Download the repository with the project and unpack it in a convenient place
- Open the project directory in the CMake GUI
- Configure the project and run it in Visual Studio
- Build the RP Forest project
- Put the
file next to the finished application(be SURE to specify the path to the dataset in it, you can download the test dataset from the repository folder: demo_ds) - Launch the built application
Dataset was taken from: http://corpus-texmex.irisa.fr
config.txt file example:
#Dataset parameters
#dspath - Path to ds folder
#n - Number of samples in dataset
#ntest - Number of samples for test
#dim - Sample dimensional
#k - Nearest neighbour
#n_trees - Number of trees
#depth - Depth of each tree
#density - Expected proportion of non-zero components in the random vectors(default=-1)
#verbose - Print result for every test
RPForest is a header-only library, so no compilation is required: just include the header RPForest.h
. The only dependency is the Eigen linear algebra library (Eigen 3.3.5 is bundled in cpp/lib).
Let's first generate a 200-dimensional data set of 10000 points, and a query point (row = dimension, column = data point). Then RPForest::exact_knn
can be used to find the indices of the true 10 nearest neighbors of the test query.
You need to set the number(n_trees
) and depth
of trees, the threshold number of votes
that trees must give to include a candidate in the selection of responses, and K
nearest neighbors.
The grow
function builds a forest for approximate k-nn search.
The approximate nearest neighbors are then searched by the function query
#include <iostream>
#include "Eigen/Dense"
#include "RPForest.h"
int main() {
int n = 10000, d = 200, k = 10, n_trees = 89, depth = 5, votes = 3;
Eigen::MatrixXf X = Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(d, n);
Eigen::MatrixXf q = Eigen::VectorXf::Random(d);
Eigen::VectorXi indices(k), indices_exact(k);
RPForest::exact_knn(q, X, k, indices_exact.data());
std::cout << indices_exact.transpose() << std::endl;
RPForest rpf(X);
rpf.grow(n_trees, depth);
rpf.query(q, k, votes, indices.data());
std::cout << indices.transpose() << std::endl;
8061 8126 3772 1476 5090 7660 9921 3821 7336 2693
8061 8126 3772 1476 5090 7660 9921 3821 7336 2693