Simple REST API server to manage an organizational staff, written with nodejs, express, ts, mongoose and mongodb
You can set environment variables to override default setting. More info in config folder.
.env - file with envarament varibalse, you can overide them with your's
Dockerfile - docker config for run nodejs in docker
docker-compose.yml - configs for run application in dockers
node_modules - folder with nodejs npm modules
src - folder with source code
> config - folder with relevant project configurations
> controller - folder with project controllers
> db - folder with setup connerction to mongodb and queries
> interfaces
> models - mongoose models
> routes
> validators - joi schemas validators for requests
employee - can has 0..1 managers
manager - can has 0..n employees, can has 0..1 departments
department - can has 0..n managers
POST -> http://localhost:3000/api/v1/employee/addEmployee
"firstName": "<employee first name>",
"lastName": "<employee last name>",
"birthday": "<employee birthday, example: 1985-1-1>",
"empID": "<employee id>",
"email": "<employee email>",
"phone": "<employee phone number>",
"salary": <employee salary>
POST -> http://localhost:3000/api/v1/department/addDepartment
"depName": "<department name>",
"desc": "<department description>"
POST -> http://localhost:3000/api/v1/manager/addManager
"_manId": "<mongodb _id of employee that should be a manger>"
PUT -> http://localhost:3000/api/v1/manager/assignEmployeeToManager
"_manId": "<mongodb _id of manger>",
"_empId": "<mongodb _id of employee>"
POST -> http://localhost:3000/api/v1/manager/assignManagerToDepartment
"_manId": "<mongodb _id of manger>
"_depId": "<mongodb _id of department>"
GET -> http://localhost:3000/api/v1/manager/departmentWithMostEmployees
For install docker-compose see the instraction:
For run docker comose you can use docker-compose up
For this you should has installed nodejs and mongodb.
You can find information about installation of nodejs on the official Node.js website and the official NPM website.
If the installation was successful, you should be able to run the following command.
$ node --version
$ npm --version
If you need to update npm
, you can use npm
$ npm install npm -g
You can find information about installation of mongodb community edition on the official Mongodb website
After installing all needed packages you have to run the below command
npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm start
Hosted on local host.