Code development for the COMTEST project
: Tools for the analysis of trialsPlatform
: Stewart Platform control systemTracking
: Xsense tracking system []
run_pi_RC: Computes dynamic indexes describing the response to raised cosine stimulus (RC). The indexes are defined along the lines of the response to the step function:
- Rise time
- Settling time
- Overshoot [%]
- Peak time
- max
- min
Under Octave, from the folder Analysis\Octave
, the command to launch is:
Under Linux, one can directly use from the terminal the following command (from the same folder, assuming the folder output
is already created, and that we are located in ANALYSIS/OCTAVE
./run_pi_RC test_data\input\com_RCsway.csv output
A file named output/pi_rcsway.yaml
is created with the Performance indicator values.
run_pi_PRTS: Computes frequency response function (FRF) and indexes based on the response to pseudorandom stimulus.
- Human likeness score
Under Linux:
./run_pi_PRTS test_data/input/com_PRTS_Sample_np_PF_110208_a1_1_c_z.csv output
Files output/pi_prts_sway.yaml
(Human likeness) and output\pi_prts_frf.yaml
(FRF) get generated.
run_pi_SIN: indexes based on the response to sinusoidal stimulus.
- Peak to peak gain
- gain
- phase lag
- power (output/input)
Under Linux:
./run_pi_SIN test_data/input/com_SinSample.csv output
File output/pi_sinsway.yaml
gets created.
The following is valid for Linux machines.
An image ready to be used is available, without downloading this code repository:
docker pull eurobenchtest/pi_comtest
Now you can jump on the command to launch the docker image.
Run the following command in order to create the docker image for this testbed, from the repository code:
docker build . -t pi_comtest
Assuming the folder [repo]/ANALYSIS/OCTAVE/test_data/input
contains the input data, and that the directory out_tests/
is already created, and will contain the PI output:
docker run --rm -v $PWD/ANALYSIS/OCTAVE/test_data/input:/in -v $PWD/out_tests:/out pi_comtest ./run_pi_RC /in/com_RCsway.csv /out
docker run --rm -v $PWD/ANALYSIS/OCTAVE/test_data/input:/in -v $PWD/out_tests:/out pi_comtest ./run_pi_PRTS /in/com_PRTS_Sample_np_PF_110208_a1_1_c_z.csv /out
docker run --rm -v $PWD/ANALYSIS/OCTAVE/test_data/input:/in -v $PWD/out_tests:/out pi_comtest ./run_pi_SIN /in/com_SinSample.csv /out
Supported by Eurobench - the European robotic platform for bipedal locomotion benchmarking. More information: Eurobench website
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 779963.
The opinions and arguments expressed reflect only the author‘s view and reflect in no way the European Commission‘s opinions. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.