Here is a sample gRPC Java based implementation. This implemetation is basically for supporting REST to gRPC scenario using wso2 microgateway's java interceptors.
There is a gRPC server and client implementation for the "order" Resource. The proto file is as follows.
syntax = "proto3";
package org.mgw_demo.order_service_lib;
service OrderService {
rpc order (OrderRequest) returns (OrderResponse);
message OrderRequest {
string item = 1;
int32 quantity = 2;
string location = 3;
message OrderResponse {
Status status = 1;
int32 price = 2;
string description = 3;
enum Status {
gRPC server do not perform any authentication. The server will execute a simple logic.
- if quantity < 5, order client will receive success with price is set to 10 * quantity
- else it will set the status to failed saying out of stock
How to execute
Install Java and Maven and update the PATH variables accordingly.
Build the project using Maven.
mvn clean install
- To run the gRPC server, (server will use the port 50001)
java -jar serverImpl/target/serverImpl-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- To run the gRPC client, (for testing purpose. The request object in this case is hard coded.)
java -jar clientImpl/target/clientImpl-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- To invoke the gRPC service using a REST client using
Copy the orderService.yaml to < Microgateway_Project > /api_definitions directory.
Copy the following jar files to the < Microgateway_Project > /lib directory
- mgwGrpcInterceptor/target/mgwGrpcInterceptor-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- clientImpl/target/clientImpl-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- all the jars inside clientImpl/target/lib directory
build and run the microgateway.
invoke the gateway with the following url.
- curl http://localhost:9090/retailStore/order -X POST -d '{"item":"Cake", "quantity":3, "location":"Colombo"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"