A platformer made in 72 hours for the Ludum Dare 36 Game Jam. Play as a robot built by velociraptors to transport through dimensions and help them survive the catastrophic asteroid impact.
Debian/Ubuntu users may need to run
sudo apt-get install libsfml-graphics2.3v5 libsfml-system2.3v5 libsfml-window2.3v5 libsfml-audio2.3v5
LoadingPleaseWait - C. Michael Murphey
GurgleFurg - Andrew Advani
Biohazard335 - Daniel/Brian/George/Steven with a ph
Edward Ni
Biohazard335 - Daniel/Brian/George/Steven with a ph
Biohazard335 - Daniel/Brian/George/Steven with a ph
Biohazard335 - Daniel/Brian/George/Steven with a ph