1.1 It is designed to replace old command rm without having to delete it.
1.3 You can continue to use new 'rm' to delete files or directories, and it will move the target file or directory to
2.1 git clone https://github.com/Velcon-Zheng/rm-rt.git
cd rm-rt-master
sh install.sh or sh install.for_China.sh
Enter Your trash folder: ***
Enter Your Software bin folder: ***
Your trash folder is ***
Your Software bin folder is ***
Good jobs!
Installation of rm-rt is finished!
2.6 crontab -e , write '0 0 * * 0 rm -rf /your-trash-directory/*';
touch test.file ; mkdir test.directory
rm test.file test.directory
Finished: have moved the target file or directory to '$trash directory'
rm rec test.file test.directory
Finished: have recover the target file or directory from '$trash directory'
touch test.file ; mkdir test.directory
rm del test.file test.directory
Are you sure to permanently delete files or directories? Y/N
Warning: have permanently deleted the target file or directory
Finished: have moved the target file or directory to '$trash directory'