This repository has a simulation packages and MoveIt! config of Orangewood indigenous OWL 6.5 Robot. It is also including orangewood sdk examples.
We have two methods to test and work with simulation.
- Setup in your host Ubuntu 20.04.6 machine
- Setup in Docker.
If you want to setup in host PC, you can follow this instruction.
Note: If you want to install Docker and run simulation, jump to the last section.
Here are the prerequisites to run this Gazebo simulation
- Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
- ROS Noetic Full Desktop Full , you can also use Single line installation which is given below
ROS Noetic Single line installation
wget -c && chmod +x ./ && ./
After installing ROS Noetic in the host PC, we can setup a ROS workspace to build the sim packages.
mkdir -p ~/orangewood_ws/src
cd ~/orangewood_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/orangewood_ws
#Installing depdencies
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
#Building packages
catkin_make -j1
echo "source ~/orangewood_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> /home/$USER/.bashrc
source /home/$USER/.bashrc
After setting the repository, you can run the Gazebo simulation
Terminal 1:
Eg. Start Gazebo simulation of OWL 6.5 + Robotiq 2F 85 Gripper
roslaunch owl_bringup bringup.launch gripper:=robotiq2f85 world:=table camera:=on sim:=on time:=5
Here are the list of options for the gripper:
- pneumatic
- vacuum
- robotiq2f85
Here are the list of options for the world:
- empty
- stand
- table
Here are the options for the camera
- on
- off
Here are the options for sim. This option enable or disable Gazebo and only run MoveIt config in fake mode
- on
- off
Here are the options for time.
This time is when to start MoveIt config after launching the simulation. If you don't want Gazebo simulation, you can set sim as "off" and time as 0. If you are starting simulation, better to have a value from 5 to 10. The value is in sec.
The OWL Robot SDK is simple API built on moveit_commander module from MoveIt. The APIs enable the developers to quickly test their application by not understanding core MoveIt APIs
The following command can install OWL Robot SDK
pip install owl-robot-sdk
Click here to view the current API documentation
Note: Make sure you are running, gazebo with MoveIt using above commands, if it is running, navigate to
Run it using following command
You can see various test being performed. If there is any failure, report to developers
In order to setup Docker in your machine, first clone the orangewood simstack in your host machine
mkdir -p ~/orangewood_ws/src
cd ~/orangewood_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/orangewood_ws/src/orangewood_simstack/docker/
orangewood_simstack/docker$ ./
It will take some time to install Docker and NVIDIA Container toolkit
After installing everything, do a REBOOT of your PC
We have two option to get the docker image for simulation,
- Building a new image
- Download/Pull an image from Docker Hub.
Building a new docker image will take time, if you have good configuration PC, you can do that, othervice you can go with pulling from docker hub. It require ~4GB of download
- Building a new Image
orangewood_simstack/docker$ ./build_image.bash
- Pulling existing image from Docker Hub
docker pull orangewoodlabs/orangewood_sim
After building/downloading image, you can run it using following command
#For build image
orangewood_simstack/docker$ ./run_image.bash orangewood_sim_image
#For pulled image
orangewood_simstack/docker$ ./run_image.bash orangewoodlabs/orangewood_sim
After getting the terminal, follow the commands to build the ROS package and install depdencies
#Upgrading to latest owl_robot_sdk
root@025d7e913e06:/home/robot/orangewood_ws# pip install owl-robot-sdk --upgrade
# Install depedencies
root@025d7e913e06:/home/robot/orangewood_ws# rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
#Building packages
root@025d7e913e06:/home/robot/orangewood_ws# catkin_make -j1
#Source workspace
root@025d7e913e06:/home/robot/orangewood_ws# source devel/setup.bash
# Run OWL 6.5 Simulation
roslaunch owl_bringup bringup.launch gripper:=robotiq2f85 world:=stand camera:=on sim:=on time:=5
You can take next docker session from next host terminal. Switch to docker folder and execute the following command
orangewood_simstack/docker$ ./new_sim_session.bash
root@025d7e913e06:/home/robot/orangewood_ws# source devel/setup.bash
## Testing SDK Example
root@025d7e913e06:/home/robot/orangewood_ws# cd owl/owl_robot_sdk_examples/
root@025d7e913e06:/home/robot/orangewood_ws/owl/owl_robot_sdk_examples# python3