An implementation of the popular UNO Card Game using Python.
Master - The stable and official version. Only updated with fully tested and playable version, not for unstable or features in development. Currently UNO v1.1.1
Develop - Latest development and features for next release. All approved features will be added into here and devloped on until stable enough for release.
Features - Experimental features that are unstable and not fully tested. Approved features will be moved into the Develop branch until good enough for release.
2-4 Players. Each player starts with 7 cards each. The game follows basic Uno rules.
Card Types | Uses |
Normal Card | Must match the top of the Discard Pile by number or colour |
Swap Card | Will reverse the playing order. Must match the top of the Discard Pile by sign or colour |
Skip Card | Will skip the next person's turn. Must match the top of the Discard Pile by sign or colour |
2+ Card | The next player will pick up 2 cards. Must match the top of the Discard Pile by number or colour. If the previous one was also a 2+ card, the score will add up for the next player. |
Wild Card | Allows the player to choose the next colour. Can be played on any type or colour. |
4+ Wild Card | The next player picks up 4 cards and allows the current player to choose the next colour. Can be played on any type or colour. |