This software provides a set of tools for analyzing Hinode/EIS data within a Python environment. The general approach is as follows:
Sets of level 1 HDF5 files are processed from the latest EIS level-0 fits files and made available online by the NRL EIS team at The HDF5 files come in pairs of "data" and "header" files which contain corrected count rates, the calibration curve needed to convert counts into intensity, and all of the associated metadata and pointing information.
This package provides Python classes and functions that can read these hdf5 files, perform all of the necessary calibration and pointing adjustments, and create user-friendly python objects that can be manipulated as needed. Also included are functions for fitting the intensity profiles using the same template files and underlying methodology that is used in the IDL SolarSoft environment.
If you use EISPAC in your reaserch, please consider citing the JOSS paper.
Install using PIP (recommended) or by manually downloading this repo.
Read through the Online User's Guide (PDF download)
Quick Guide: A brief overview of the core EISPAC functions and objects.
Command Line Tools: Description of some command line tools available for searching, downloading, and fitting EIS observations.
Need help? If you have any questions, bug reports, or feature requests; please open an issue or email the development team.
Want to contribute code? Please see the Community Guidelines section of the online documentation.
EISPAC is now available on PyPI. To install, just use the following command,
> python -m pip install eispac
To upgrade the package, please use:
> python -m pip install --upgrade eispac
pip should automatically install all package dependencies. If it does not, please see the list of required packages below. Note: if you are using conda to manage your Python packages, you may wish to install or update the dependencies manually first, before installing eispac using pip (this is by no means required, but it can help simplify updating packages).
- Download or clone "eispac" to a convenient location on your computer (it does not matter where).
> git clone
- Open a terminal and navigate to the directory
- To install:
> python -m pip install .
- To upgrade:
> python -m pip install --upgrade .
The package should then be installed to the correct location for your current Python
environment. You can now import the package using import eispac
- python >= 3.9
- numpy >= 1.18
- scipy >= 1.4
- matplotlib >= 3.1
- h5py >= 2.9
- astropy >= 4.2.11
- sunpy >= 4.0
- ndcube >= 2.0.0
- parfive >= 1.5
- python-dateutil>=2.8
There are currently three core directories:
eispac: main python code directory containing all of the programs required to read level 1 HDF5 files and fit templates and fit spectra using mpfit.
Notable subdirectories:
: Main code directory. All functions here are loaded into the top-level namespace (i.e. eispac.{function name})../eispac/data/
: Contains fitting templates for specific spectral lines. These HDF5 files are direct conversions of the ".genx" files used by some IDL users. Also included is an example EIS raster from 2021-03-06 at 06:44:44.
scripts: GUI and command line tools
docs: Source reStructuredText files used to build the online documentation
It should also be noted that
was written by Mark Rivers and Sergey Kopsov and
is a direct Python port of the
IDL procedure written by Craig Markwardt. As such,
much of the documentation online for the IDL version of the code is still applicable to the
Python version (see also the mpfit section of our docs for more information).
Here, in no particular order, is a list of some things that may be added in future releases.
- Expanded documentation
- More unit and integration tests
- More detailed logging (with option to send all log information to a file)
- Consider adding a subclass of
which can hold multiple spectral windows - Consider storing the output fit parameters in another