Nempy is a Python package for modelling the dispatch procedure of the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM). The idea is that you can start simple and grow the complexity of your model by adding features such as ramping constraints, interconnectors, FCAS markets and more. See the examples below.
For further details, refer to the documentation.
For a brief introduction to the NEM, refer to this document.
Installing Nempy to use in your project is easy.
pip install nempy
A more detailed introduction to Nempy, examples, and reference documentation can be found on the readthedocs page.
Nempy is open-source and we welcome all forms of community engagement.
You can seek support for using Nempy using the discussion tab on GitHub, checking the issues register, or by contacting Nick directly (n.gorman at
If you cannot find a pre-existing issue related to your enquiry, you can submit a new one via the issues register. Issue submissions do not need to adhere to any particular format.
CEEM continues to support and maintain Nempy! If Nempy is useful to your work, research, or business, please reach out and inform us so we can consider your use case and needs.
Contributions via pull requests are welcome. Contributions should:
- Follow the PEP8 style guide (with exception of line length up to 120 rather than 80)
- Ensure that all existing automated tests continue to pass (unless you are explicitly changing intended behavour; if you are, please highlight this in your pull request description)
- Implement automated tests for new features
- Provide doc strings for public interfaces
To install Nempy for development:
- Clone or fork the repo
- Install
- Install
by runninguv sync
in the project directory - uv will create .venv, which you can configure your IDE to use, or you can use explicity to run a python file by running
uv run
Nempy's development was led by Nick Gorman as part of his PhD candidature at the Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets at the University of New South Wales' School of Photovoltaics and Renewable Energy Engineering. (
If you use Nempy, please cite the package via the JOSS paper (suggested citation below):
Gorman et al., (2022). Nempy: A Python package for modelling the Australian National Electricity Market dispatch procedure. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(70), 3596,
Nempy was created by Nicholas Gorman. It is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause Licence.
A simple example
import pandas as pd
from nempy import markets
# Volume of each bid, number of bands must equal number of bands in price_bids.
volume_bids = pd.DataFrame({
'unit': ['A', 'B'],
'1': [20.0, 50.0], # MW
'2': [20.0, 30.0], # MW
'3': [5.0, 10.0] # More bid bands could be added.
# Price of each bid, bids must be monotonically increasing.
price_bids = pd.DataFrame({
'unit': ['A', 'B'],
'1': [50.0, 50.0], # $/MW
'2': [60.0, 55.0], # $/MW
'3': [100.0, 80.0] # . . .
# Other unit properties
unit_info = pd.DataFrame({
'unit': ['A', 'B'],
'region': ['NSW', 'NSW'], # MW
# The demand in the region\s being dispatched
demand = pd.DataFrame({
'region': ['NSW'],
'demand': [120.0] # MW
# Create the market model
market = markets.SpotMarket(unit_info=unit_info,
# Calculate dispatch and pricing
# Return the total dispatch of each unit in MW.
# unit service dispatch
# 0 A energy 40.0
# 1 B energy 80.0
# Return the price of energy in each region.
# region price
# 0 NSW 60.0
A detailed example
The example demonstrates the broad range of market features that can be implemented with Nempy and the use of auxiliary modelling tools for accessing historical market data published by AEMO and preprocessing it for compatibility with Nempy.
This example downloads approximately 54 GB of data from AEMO.
# Notice:
# - This script downloads large volumes of historical market data (~54 GB) from AEMO's nemweb
# portal. You can also reduce the data usage by restricting the time window given to the
# xml_cache_manager and in the get_test_intervals function. The boolean on line 22 can
# also be changed to prevent this happening repeatedly once the data has been downloaded.
import sqlite3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import random
import pandas as pd
from nempy import markets
from nempy.historical_inputs import loaders, mms_db, \
xml_cache, units, demand, interconnectors, constraints
con = sqlite3.connect('D:/nempy_2024_07/historical_mms.db')
mms_db_manager = mms_db.DBManager(connection=con)
xml_cache_manager = xml_cache.XMLCacheManager('D:/nempy_2024_07/xml_cache')
# The second time this example is run on a machine this flag can
# be set to false to save downloading the data again.
download_inputs = True
if download_inputs:
# This requires approximately 4 GB of storage.
mms_db_manager.populate(start_year=2024, start_month=7,
end_year=2024, end_month=7)
# This requires approximately 50 GB of storage.
xml_cache_manager.populate_by_day(start_year=2024, start_month=7, start_day=1,
end_year=2024, end_month=8, end_day=1)
raw_inputs_loader = loaders.RawInputsLoader(
# A list of intervals we want to recreate historical dispatch for.
def get_test_intervals(number=100):
start_time = datetime(year=2024, month=7, day=1, hour=0, minute=0)
end_time = datetime(year=2024, month=8, day=1, hour=0, minute=0)
difference = end_time - start_time
difference_in_5_min_intervals = difference.days * 12 * 24
intervals = random.sample(range(1, difference_in_5_min_intervals), number)
times = [start_time + timedelta(minutes=5 * i) for i in intervals]
times_formatted = [t.isoformat().replace('T', ' ').replace('-', '/') for t in times]
return times_formatted
# List for saving outputs to.
outputs = []
c = 0
# Create and dispatch the spot market for each dispatch interval.
for interval in get_test_intervals(number=100):
c += 1
print(str(c) + ' ' + str(interval))
unit_inputs = units.UnitData(raw_inputs_loader)
interconnector_inputs = interconnectors.InterconnectorData(raw_inputs_loader)
constraint_inputs = constraints.ConstraintData(raw_inputs_loader)
demand_inputs = demand.DemandData(raw_inputs_loader)
unit_info = unit_inputs.get_unit_info()
market = markets.SpotMarket(market_regions=['QLD1', 'NSW1', 'VIC1',
'SA1', 'TAS1'],
# Set bids
volume_bids, price_bids = unit_inputs.get_processed_bids()
# Set bid in capacity limits
unit_bid_limit = unit_inputs.get_unit_bid_availability()
cost = constraint_inputs.get_constraint_violation_prices()['unit_capacity']
market.set_unit_bid_capacity_constraints(unit_bid_limit, violation_cost=cost)
# Set limits provided by the unconstrained intermittent generation
# forecasts. Primarily for wind and solar.
unit_uigf_limit = unit_inputs.get_unit_uigf_limits()
cost = constraint_inputs.get_constraint_violation_prices()['uigf']
unit_uigf_limit, violation_cost=cost
# Set unit ramp rates.
ramp_rates = unit_inputs.get_bid_ramp_rates()
scada_ramp_rates = unit_inputs.get_scada_ramp_rates()
fast_start_profiles = unit_inputs.get_fast_start_profiles_for_dispatch()
cost = constraint_inputs.get_constraint_violation_prices()['ramp_rate']
ramp_rates, scada_ramp_rates, fast_start_profiles,
run_type="fast_start_first_run", violation_cost=cost
# Set unit FCAS trapezium constraints.
cost = constraint_inputs.get_constraint_violation_prices()['fcas_max_avail']
fcas_availability = unit_inputs.get_fcas_max_availability()
market.set_fcas_max_availability(fcas_availability, violation_cost=cost)
cost = constraint_inputs.get_constraint_violation_prices()['fcas_profile']
regulation_trapeziums = unit_inputs.get_fcas_regulation_trapeziums()
scada_ramp_rates = unit_inputs.get_scada_ramp_rates(inlude_initial_output=True)
scada_ramp_rates, fast_start_profiles, run_type="fast_start_first_run",
contingency_trapeziums = unit_inputs.get_contingency_services()
market.set_joint_capacity_constraints(contingency_trapeziums, violation_cost=cost)
# Set interconnector definitions, limits and loss models.
interconnectors_definitions = \
loss_functions, interpolation_break_points = \
# Add generic constraints and FCAS market constraints.
fcas_requirements = constraint_inputs.get_fcas_requirements()
cost = constraint_inputs.get_violation_costs()
market.set_fcas_requirements_constraints(fcas_requirements, violation_cost=cost)
generic_rhs = constraint_inputs.get_rhs_and_type_excluding_regional_fcas_constraints()
market.set_generic_constraints(generic_rhs, violation_cost=cost)
unit_generic_lhs = constraint_inputs.get_unit_lhs()
interconnector_generic_lhs = constraint_inputs.get_interconnector_lhs()
# Set the operational demand to be met by dispatch.
regional_demand = demand_inputs.get_operational_demand()
cost = constraint_inputs.get_constraint_violation_prices()['regional_demand']
market.set_demand_constraints(regional_demand, violation_cost=cost)
# Set tiebreak constraint to equalise dispatch of equally priced bids.
cost = constraint_inputs.get_constraint_violation_prices()['tiebreak']
# Get unit dispatch without fast start constraints and use it to
# make fast start unit commitment decisions.
dispatch = market.get_unit_dispatch()
cost = constraint_inputs.get_constraint_violation_prices()['fast_start']
fast_start_profiles = unit_inputs.get_fast_start_profiles_for_dispatch(dispatch)
cols = ['unit', 'end_mode', 'time_in_end_mode', 'mode_two_length',
'mode_four_length', 'min_loading']
fsp = fast_start_profiles.loc[:, cols]
market.set_fast_start_constraints(fsp, violation_cost=cost)
ramp_rates = unit_inputs.get_bid_ramp_rates()
scada_ramp_rates = unit_inputs.get_scada_ramp_rates()
cols = ['unit', 'end_mode', 'time_since_end_of_mode_two', 'min_loading']
fsp = fast_start_profiles.loc[:, cols]
cost = constraint_inputs.get_constraint_violation_prices()['ramp_rate']
ramp_rates, scada_ramp_rates, fsp,
run_type="fast_start_second_run", violation_cost=cost
cost = constraint_inputs.get_constraint_violation_prices()['fcas_profile']
scada_ramp_rates = unit_inputs.get_scada_ramp_rates(inlude_initial_output=True)
scada_ramp_rates, fsp, run_type="fast_start_second_run", violation_cost=cost
# If AEMO historically used the over constrained dispatch rerun
# process then allow it to be used in dispatch. This is needed
# because sometimes the conditions for over constrained dispatch
# are present but the rerun process isn't used.
if constraint_inputs.is_over_constrained_dispatch_rerun():
# The market price ceiling and floor are not needed here
# because they are only used for the over constrained
# dispatch rerun process.
# Save prices from this interval
prices = market.get_energy_prices()
prices['time'] = interval
# Getting historical prices for comparison. Note, ROP price, which is
# the regional reference node price before the application of any
# price scaling by AEMO, is used for comparison.
historical_prices = mms_db_manager.DISPATCHPRICE.get_data(interval)
prices = pd.merge(prices, historical_prices,
left_on=['time', 'region'],
prices.loc[:, ['time', 'region', 'price', 'ROP']])
outputs = pd.concat(outputs)
outputs['error'] = outputs['price'] - outputs['ROP']
print('\n Summary of error in energy price volume weighted average price. \n'
'Comparison is against ROP, the price prior to \n'
'any post dispatch adjustments, scaling, capping etc.')
print('Mean price error: {}'.format(outputs['error'].mean()))
print('Median price error: {}'.format(outputs['error'].quantile(0.5)))
print('5% percentile price error: {}'.format(outputs['error'].quantile(0.05)))
print('95% percentile price error: {}'.format(outputs['error'].quantile(0.95)))
# Summary of error in energy price volume weighted average price.
# Comparison is against ROP, the price prior to
# any post dispatch adjustments, scaling, capping etc.
# Mean price error: 0.13818277307210394
# Median price error: 0.0
# 5% percentile price error: -0.13335830516772942
# 95% percentile price error: 0.013533539900288811