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chore(release): set package.json to 2.39.0 [skip ci]
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# [2.39.0](v2.38.0...v2.39.0) (2024-07-12)

### Bug Fixes

* add console.log to divider component to test issue on the website ([#538](#538)) ([d001b0d](d001b0d))
* add FlexibleBlocks export to index.js ([#481](#481)) ([334fd7f](334fd7f))
* add keyup event handler to search home ([#368](#368)) ([655f25b](655f25b))
* add search to masthead ([#503](#503)) ([ddd8746](ddd8746))
* APPS-2411 fix section name with color-default, since route path is undefined ([#448](#448)) ([a325e0f](a325e0f))
* APPS-2491 Component updates ([#417](#417)) ([cdf1fc3](cdf1fc3))
* APPS-2637 Fix issues in FlexibleBlock's nested components ([#504](#504)) ([7ca4dc9](7ca4dc9))
* APPS-2648 Fix BannerFeatured error in FlexibleBlock component ([#506](#506)) ([274bb79](274bb79))
* APPS-2665 When user clicks the x on search keyword, the search is not triggered automatically ([#509](#509)) ([49ad0af](49ad0af))
* APPS-2668 SearchHome.vue query param should be q ([#507](#507)) ([3ab4e57](3ab4e57))
* APPS-2671 BannerFeatured digital eyebrow / category is not appearing ([#513](#513)) ([c962748](c962748))
* APPS-2675 fix BlockStaffDetail.vue image type ([#508](#508)) ([779e58d](779e58d))
* APPS-2794 ([#541](#541)) ([dbf38c0](dbf38c0))
* build a new version for next release candidate ([#381](#381)) ([0ed3dc1](0ed3dc1))
* button in banner-header component ([#367](#367)) ([551e218](551e218))
* changelog and unpublish the next tag ([#384](#384)) ([a15b35a](a15b35a))
* check if route exists in cardmeta and navprimary ([#455](#455)) ([1b9945e](1b9945e))
* ci npm publish add node version setup for node version 20 ([#434](#434)) ([c5b9398](c5b9398))
* ci workflows, test npm release ([#383](#383)) ([4cd7030](4cd7030))
* convert isdark and isSmallSize to boolean and test if string is true in flexible component ([#526](#526)) ([c864037](c864037))
* Fix tab focus in-out of search input field ([#514](#514)) ([8810085](8810085))
* Fix useroute ([#452](#452)) ([c35ab5d](c35ab5d))
* grey placeholder appreaing under email address label when not in focus ([#525](#525)) ([a036142](a036142))
* if package.json changes run pnpm install ([#380](#380)) ([2300b3d](2300b3d))
* pay rate should display in block generic list ([#486](#486)) ([60bb246](60bb246))
* Refactor StaffList & Add checks for MediaGallery ([#499](#499)) ([131cfe3](131cfe3))
* release vue3.x to next channel ([#386](#386)) ([3b55e04](3b55e04))
* remove duplicate color which was causing hydration error ([#454](#454)) ([260f208](260f208))
* remove vue-router from external ([#540](#540)) ([1d52e4f](1d52e4f))
* search generic checkbox state  ([#510](#510)) ([89d6e32](89d6e32))
* section wrapper for prerender ([#489](#489)) ([a3a3510](a3a3510))
* stop releases while merging ([698c834](698c834))
* typehandle error ([#484](#484)) ([eb6cf8e](eb6cf8e))
* update search when clearing search bar ([#435](#435)) ([563948f](563948f))
* various accessibility issues ([#411](#411)) ([1205013](1205013))

### Features

* "Include past events" single checkbox filter ([#401](#401)) ([0aee2ec](0aee2ec))
* add AlphaBrowseBy, BlockCTA, BlockCTA2Up, SearchResult, SingleCheckbox components ([#405](#405)) ([ea46997](ea46997)), closes [#403](#403)
* Add BaseRadioGroup and BaseCheckboxGroup components to vue3 and stories are new ([#475](#475)) ([c18c33c](c18c33c))
* Add heading-arrow component ([#399](#399)) ([85fc752](85fc752))
* Add SearchGeneric component ([#501](#501)) ([d1886e8](d1886e8))
* Add section header and sectionwrapper compositon api support and use antfu ([#403](#403)) ([b31489f](b31489f))
* add SiteBrandBar, IconWithLink, PullQuote, BlockDate components ([#400](#400)) ([b974e25](b974e25))
* Add SiteNotificationAlert, RichText, ButtonLink, and Smart Link  components ([#395](#395)) ([a740d4e](a740d4e))
* adds watcheffect onmounted for useroute reactivity ([#544](#544)) ([99bb9e4](99bb9e4))
* Apps 2431 apps 2454 add pinia ([#406](#406)) ([84829a1](84829a1))
* APPS 2452 Add BlockShowHide, NavBreadcrumb, OrcidPub components ([#410](#410)) ([9a5c8fc](9a5c8fc))
* APPS-1932 create media gallery half width ([#394](#394)) ([667bb12](667bb12))
* APPS-2076 Create DateFilter component and install Vue3Datepicker ([#476](#476)) ([63970a8](63970a8))
* APPS-2265, Add clickoutside feature to search-generic component ([#505](#505)) ([34a3e2b](34a3e2b))
* APPS-2381 add divider components ([#366](#366)) ([4544e6c](4544e6c))
* APPS-2405 Add footer components and get footer data from mock pinia store ([#408](#408)) ([c9ae722](c9ae722))
* APPS-2415 banner featured ([#422](#422)) ([b7a9476](b7a9476))
* APPS-2417 Add SectionTeaserHighlight component ([#445](#445)) ([8fc1f57](8fc1f57)), closes [#442](#442)
* APPS-2419   Add SectionTeaserCard component to vue3 ([#440](#440)) ([47c6190](47c6190))
* APPS-2450 Add multiple block components ([#409](#409)) ([8140d68](8140d68))
* APPS-2458 Add Block- Amenities, Generic List, StaffSubjectLibrarian ([#414](#414)) ([ce7109a](ce7109a))
* APPS-2459 Add Multiple Components ([#416](#416)) ([64db8fa](64db8fa))
* APPS-2460 add header components ([#415](#415)) ([9cf2385](9cf2385))
* APPS-2465 Add BlockCampusMap in vue3 ([#420](#420)) ([4dd29e0](4dd29e0))
* APPS-2466 convert ImpactNumbersCarousel component to vue3 ([#471](#471)) ([80290c4](80290c4))
* APPS-2467 BannerHeader component ([#423](#423)) ([bc7fe42](bc7fe42))
* APPS-2468 BannerText component ([#424](#424)) ([54c5b76](54c5b76))
* APPS-2470 SearchHome,Input components ([#426](#426)) ([9f2c25c](9f2c25c))
* APPS-2507 ResponsiveVideo component ([#427](#427)) ([ca74313](ca74313))
* APPS-2513 Add BlockHighlight child components ([#421](#421)) ([381e9fe](381e9fe))
* APPS-2516 Add block remove search filter to vue3 branch ([#437](#437)) ([e49377b](e49377b))
* APPS-2518 BlockForm component ([#425](#425)) ([e339c20](e339c20))
* APPS-2521 Add FlexibleAssociatedTopicCards component ([#438](#438)) ([381ea01](381ea01))
* APPS-2522 Add FlexibleBannerFeatured component ([#442](#442)) ([928b7b0](928b7b0))
* APPS-2523 FlexibleCallToAction component ([#432](#432)) ([e80b52b](e80b52b))
* APPS-2524 FlexibleCallToActionTwoUp component ([#433](#433)) ([59a644e](59a644e))
* APPS-2525 Add FlexibleForm component ([#439](#439)) ([431ef16](431ef16))
* APPS-2526 GridGallery component ([#430](#430)) ([31faed6](31faed6))
* APPS-2527 ImpactNumberCard component ([#429](#429)) ([2e86d7d](2e86d7d))
* APPS-2528 FlexibleGridGalleryCards component ([#431](#431)) ([e39520c](e39520c))
* APPS-2529 Add FlexibleImpactNumberCards  component to vue3 branch ([#451](#451)) ([9fb34c7](9fb34c7))
* APPS-2535 Add ResponsiveVideo to Banner components ([#428](#428)) ([f754127](f754127))
* APPS-2549 Migrate SectionRemoveSearchFilter component ([#474](#474)) ([05baae5](05baae5))
* APPS-2550 Add FlexibleHighlight component ([#446](#446)) ([f3b5e9f](f3b5e9f)), closes [#442](#442)
* APPS-2551 Add SectionTeaserList component ([#444](#444)) ([9bf7d5f](9bf7d5f))
* APPS-2552 flexible blocks component ([#467](#467)) ([cc52770](cc52770))
* APPS-2555 convert PageAnchor to vue 3 ([#488](#488)) ([ecd2f5d](ecd2f5d))
* APPS-2556 Convert BlockHours to vue3 ([#485](#485)) ([2824893](2824893))
* Apps-2559 convert HeaderSticky to vue3 ([#493](#493)) ([25e081c](25e081c))
* APPS-2560 Add FlexibleMediaGallery + Vue3 Carousel ([#458](#458)) ([f1212b1](f1212b1))
* APPS-2561 convert flexible-media-with-text component to vue3 ([#469](#469)) ([782df47](782df47))
* APPS-2563 Convert Flexible RichText component to vue3 ([#465](#465)) ([368dc13](368dc13))
* APPS-2564 convert flexible-simple-cards component to vue3 ([#459](#459)) ([d872275](d872275))
* APPS-2565, APPS-2566 convert ImpactRichText & StoryWithImage to vue 3 ([#480](#480)) ([6e0f1dd](6e0f1dd))
* APPS-2567 Add FlexibleGalleryBannerImage, MediaBadge ([#449](#449)) ([b082d84](b082d84))
* APPS-2568 Add FlexibleGalleryThumbnailCard ([#447](#447)) ([18304e3](18304e3))
* APPS-2569 convert SectionGenericList to vue3 ([#487](#487)) ([5d7f61d](5d7f61d))
* APPS-2570, APPS-2557 convert BlockLocationListItem and SectionLocationList ([#482](#482)) ([b9468df](b9468df))
* APPS-2571 convert SectionPagination to vue 3 ([#477](#477)) ([2921110](2921110))
* APPS-2583-2582 Fix block StaffSubjectLibrarian & Convert SectionStaffSubjectLibrarian to vue3 ([#494](#494)) ([0d6cb4d](0d6cb4d))
* APPS-2597 convert flexible-card-with-image component to vue3 ([#470](#470)) ([f463681](f463681))
* APPS-2610 convert Flexible/ImpactNumberCarousel component to vue3 ([#479](#479)) ([0b66ed4](0b66ed4))
* APPS-2619 ([#478](#478)) ([daf43ac](daf43ac))
* APPS-2632 convert block & section PostSmall to vue3 ([#498](#498)) ([38e05cf](38e05cf))
* APPS-2633_APPS-2636 Convert BlockStaffList & SectionStaffList to vue3 ([#490](#490)) ([4f6b97f](4f6b97f))
* APPS-2634_APPS-2581 Convert BlockStaffArticleList & SectionStaffArticleList ([#491](#491)) ([a947bdd](a947bdd))
* APPS-2635 Convert BlockStaffDetail to vue3 ([#497](#497)) ([4c8d803](4c8d803))
* APPS-2701 Create DividerWayfinder & DividerGeneral component FTVA variation ([#523](#523)) ([a8be4c5](a8be4c5))
* APPS-2704 create tags component ([#522](#522)) ([71e0076](71e0076))
* Apps-2704 finish tags component part 2 ([#531](#531)) ([e7dc9c0](e7dc9c0))
* Apps-2706 create BlockEventDetail component ([#527](#527)) ([9b47c54](9b47c54))
* APPS-2707 Create FTVA BlockInfo component ([#529](#529)) ([84e8df0](84e8df0))
* APPS-2738 convert script setup to options api ([#515](#515)) ([438e5ad](438e5ad))
* Apps-2773 update responsive image component ([#528](#528)) ([78b02f0](78b02f0))
* APPS-2774 Create CardMeta component FTVA variation ([#530](#530)) ([898d40a](898d40a))
* APPS-2777 fix nitro crawling issue ([#534](#534)) ([c4e689a](c4e689a))
* APPS-2780 APPS-2781 APPS-2802 ([#552](#552)) ([a9973f4](a9973f4))
* APPS-2788 Create Component FTVA NavSearch ([#539](#539)) ([bcb84d8](bcb84d8))
* APPS:2562 add Flexible/PullQuote component to vue3 ([#457](#457)) ([2b209b6](2b209b6))
* bump up semantic minor version test ([#387](#387)) ([309acb5](309acb5))
* ButtonHide ([#396](#396)) ([bdc6d08](bdc6d08))
* ButtonShow, ButtonMore ([#398](#398)) ([11ade14](11ade14))
* fix and use alpha release ([#390](#390)) ([9b55857](9b55857))
* fix csbuild ([#543](#543)) ([58a80d6](58a80d6))
* move vue-router back to external and peer dependencies ([#547](#547)) ([b566b96](b566b96))
* provide inject can be refs ([#492](#492)) ([f8d5c9d](f8d5c9d))
* Revert specific commits to undo recent changes ([#557](#557)) ([5271514](5271514))
* Revert vitebuild code added previously ([#542](#542)) ([a03fcb3](a03fcb3))
* test minor bump with semantic pre release alpha ([#391](#391)) ([260436e](260436e))
* test patch bump with semantic pre release alpha ([#392](#392)) ([a9c5ba4](a9c5ba4))
* update styles to work with halfWidth option in redactor ([#397](#397)) ([772de69](772de69))
* Update workflows for merge to main ([#555](#555)) ([d31e3b5](d31e3b5))
* vite build update for useroute to work ([#545](#545)) ([c449bea](c449bea))
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Jul 12, 2024
1 parent 65179d0 commit 387cc62
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