Kofax RPA 11.1 has native support for reading emails from Microsoft 365, GMail and IMAP , moving this repository closer to obsolesence.
This project contains robots that work on Microsoft Exchange for processing incoming emails and for sending emails.
Watch the demo to see this in action.
Download Latest Version (3.0.2)
- 3.0.2 (Feb 2020) Corrected date parsing.
- 3.0.1 (Oct 15 2019) Support custom folders for inboxes for Microsoft Outlook (make sure folder name is unique)
- 3.0 (Oct 1 2019) Full feature support for Microsoft Outlook
- The Robot Outlook_ProcessFolder.robot uses rich filters to process all emails in an Outlook mailbox.
- this robot needs no editing at all. All configuration that is needed is in the filters and the Password Store.
- this one robot can look at numerous inboxes for various people and run 100's of filters over new emails
- this robot can look into another person's inbox or a shared inbox. The UserName in the filter is the login name and Owner is the actual owner of the inbox the robot is looking at
- The Robot Outlook_SendEMail.robot builds a nicely formatted email, personalizes it and sends via Microsoft Exchange. You will see the sent email on your Sent Folder in Microsoft Outlook.
- Download this Repository and add it to a Robot project in your Design Studio.
- Run Kofax RPA/Start Development Database from the Windows menu.
- load the robot Outlook_ProcessFolder.robot. It will want to create the Filter and Email databases.
- See SQL Video for information about how robots work with data in databases.
- Create your Filters
- Double-Click the Filters variable.
- Copy the default text into the clipboard and paste into Microsoft Excel
- Add your own filters into Microsoft Excel.
- Filters use regular expressions and are very powerful. The samples show some basic usage
- Select all the filters with CTRL-A and paste them back into the default value of the variable Filters in the robot.
- click on the Step Filter CSV->Database and select Debug/Start Debug from this Location (CTRL-SHIFT-D) to execute the robot from this location. This will populate your filters into the database.
- Open Management Console and switch to Data View. There you will see your filters.
- Make sure that you add relevant Outlook passwords to the Password Store in Management Console with the Target System MSExchange.
- Copy and customize the robot OpenOffice.resendlater.robot to process particular emails.
- Write a different robot for each classification
- You can choose to either delete the processed email or mark as processed so that it will not be processed again.
- Upload these robots
- These robots will run many, many times per day. Most of the time they will find no emails in the first step and simply exit.
- Upload all the robots to the Management Console.
- Right click on Outlook_ProcessFolder.robot and select Add/edit Password Access for Robot. Do the same for Outlook_SendEMail.robot
- In Outlook create two new categories Robot ignoring and Robot processed. Give them any colors you like.
- Make sure that the folder exists for processed emails and that the filter has the correct folder name in the OutBox column.
- In Management Console Run the robot Outlook_ProcessFolder.robot in the Scheduler. At Kofax we have run this every minute for over 4 years - that's over 2 million times!
- Add all of the other robots to the same schedule
- on the Schedule/Advanced tab, select *Run Sequentially.
- right
Currently there is a robot that shows how to connect to a GMail account and read emails. It Uses GMail API and OAuth authentification and is quite rudimentary.
You can install yabmail on Tomcat for access to IMAP/POP3 email accounts.
- John Barratt@kofax - Initial Work for Outlook
- David Wright@kofax - Initial Work for Filters
- Jerome Marc@kofax - Initial Work for GMail
This project is licensed under the MIT License