Adaptive Boost Algorithm
var trainingData = [
["Coughing", "Male", "Adult", "Discharged"],
["Coughing", "Female", "Teen", "Discharged"],
["Headache", "Male", "Child", "Discharged"],
["Headache", "Male", "Teen", "Discharged"],
["Hiccups", "Female", "Adult", "Discharged"],
["Sneezing", "Male", "Teen", "Discharged"],
["Sneezing", "Female", "Child", "Admitted"],
["Sneezing", "Male", "Child", "Admitted"],
["Hiccups", "Female", "Teen", "Admitted"],
["Coughing", "Female", "Adult", "Admitted"],
["Coughing", "Male", "Child", "Admitted"]
var adaBoost = new AdaBoost(trainingData, "Discharged");
var vote = adaBoost.predict(["Coughing", "Male", "Child"], true);
console.log("The final vote is " + vote);
console.log("The person will most likely be " + (vote > 1 ? "Discharged" : "Admitted"));
// The final vote is -1.7181763612259795
// The person will most likely be Admitted
vote = adaBoost.predict(["Headache", "Female", "Child"]);
console.log("The final vote is " + vote);
console.log("The person will most likely be " + (vote > 1 ? "Discharged" : "Admitted"));
// The final vote is 1.60653649762956
// The person will most likely be Discharged
vote = adaBoost.predict(["Hiccups", "Female", "Adult"]);
console.log("The final vote is " + vote);
console.log("The person will most likely be " + (vote > 1 ? "Discharged" : "Admitted"));
// The final vote is -0.0843346278612036 true
// The person will most likely be Admitted
vote = adaBoost.predict(["Headache", "", "Child"]);
console.log("The final vote is " + vote);
console.log("The person will most likely be " + (vote > 1 ? "Discharged" : "Admitted"));
// The final vote is 2.3552095483256945 true
// The person will most likely be Discharged