Available on NuGet as TechTalk.JiraRestClient
- List issues of a project
- Create, load and delete issues
- Update some issue fields
- summary
- description
- labels
- original estimate
- custom fields ('customfield_<id>')
- Query and apply state transitions
- List the watchers of an issue
- List, create and delete comments
- List, create and delete attachments
- List, create and delete issue links
- List, create, update and delete issue remote links
1.0.0 initial version
1.0.1 removed dependency on Newtonsoft.Json
1.0.2 fixed the bug introduced in 1.0.1
1.0.3 fields set to null are not updated
1.0.4 list issues of a given type within a project
1.0.5 exceptions contain more information
1.0.6 support for issue state transitions
1.0.7 support for issue remote links (attached URLs)
1.0.8 support for custom issue fields ('customfield_<id>')
2.1.0 support for reading actors per issue