This is a project containing our first steps in quantum computing.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
For development and running:
- Python 3.5 or higher
- qiskit 0.7 python package (currently, as it's evolving fast)
- IBM QX account (to run jobs remotely on IBM backends)
One should generate a Qconfig file and place it in the main folder (one with readme and license). After that all scripts should work just fine.
Although it hasn't been said explicitely, we're trying to maintain PEP8 in Python scripts. There currently is no coding style for qasms and other files used.
For automation of results analysis a circuit naming convention has to be set. It's natural, that each experiment would require different attributes in circuit name, however they share some similarities eg. experiment name. Given that from now on we will be using following naming style:
for example
would mean, that given circuit describes experiment with Grover algorithm, using 3 qubit states, with 111 as selected state and with only one diffusion and oracle operator used. Note that each naming convention (for different experiments) should be placed within experiments folder. See Grover folder for example.
Also note that attributes are separated by '_' character and mutli-word attributes or names should be separated by '-'.
Python interpreter of your choice, that fulfills prerequisites.
- Jakub Tworzydło
- Alicja Dutkiewicz
- Tomasz Rybotycki - Tomev
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v. 3 License - see the file for details.
- IBM QX staff, for letting us use your chips.
- Billie Thompson for great template.
- Andreas Renberg and contributors of [markdown-licenses] for md version of GNU GPL 3.