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Main Module user interface guide

Dan Suwanseree edited this page Apr 18, 2020 · 2 revisions

Web interface guide

This page is intended to show all the functionality available to you when using the web interface to control a node via the main module.


To navigate to all the available pages, you can click on the menu bar to access all the available pages.

ac home

Once clicked, the menu bar will expand and show the other pages.

menu bar expanded

If the window of the web browser on your device is wide enough, all the available pages will be shown in the menu bar.

wide menu

By default, the first page that you will access (from the root URL) is the AutoConnect statistics page (shown in the images above).

The ac statistics page shows the statistics of the networking subsystem of the main module. You can view the various details regarding WiFi on this page.

Clicking on the menu title

Clicking on the menu title on any page will redirect you to the AutoConnect statistics page. (which will be described later)

Home page

The home page acts as a status page, showing all the current details and status of the node. The data that you see is provided when the page is loaded. If you wish to see the latest information, you must refresh the page.

home page

Configuration page

The configuration page allows you to configure all the settings of the node. All of the settings will only be saved when you click the "Save Settings" button. Once the settings have been saved, you will be redirected to the home page.

config page

Live sensor viewer page

The live sensor viewer can be used to view the live data coming from the sensor modules connected to the main module in the node. This page automatically refreshes itself with the latest information every 1 second.

live viewer

Firmware update page

The update page allows you to update the system firmware for the main module over WiFi (OTA) by uploading a compiled .bin firmware file.


DO NOT CLOSE THE PAGE DURING THE UPDATE. The upload may take some time depending on network conditions. During the upload you should see the current progress in the bottom left of your web browser.

Once the update is complete, a success or failure message will appear and the system will reboot. Once rebooted, you can continue using the node as normal. It is highly recommended to check the configuration of the main module after each system update to make sure your settings are correct.

update page

Reset page

This menu item is basically a reboot button. Clicking on it will make a confirmation button appear, which if clicked will reboot the system.

reset page

Connected networks page

The connected networds page shows the WiFi networks that have been saved by the main module. It also shows the current network that the node is connected to.

connected netorks page

Access point configuration page

The ac config page allows you to view the available WiFi networks that the node can connect to. You can select and connect to a specific network from this page.

Usually, this page will only be used during initial configuration. Once a WiFi network has been chosen, the internal station of the main module will be shut off. (see the quick start guide for details)

ap config page