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Main Perms File Format

Thutmose edited this page May 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

Default thutperms.json

This is the default file, which is generated in config/thutperms/, it can either be edited directly, or via commands

If this is edited directly, use /reload_perms to apply the changes ingame!

  "groups": [],
  "initial": {
    "name": "default",
    "prefix": "",
    "suffix": "",
    "members": [],
    "all": false,
    "all_non_op": true,
    "allowedCommands": [],
    "bannedCommands": []
  "mods": {
    "name": "mods",
    "prefix": "",
    "suffix": "",
    "members": [],
    "all": true,
    "all_non_op": true,
    "allowedCommands": [],
    "bannedCommands": []

Root Values:

  • groups - this is the list of user-generated groups, use /add_group <name> to add to this list
  • initial - this is the group that applies for players, who are not OP*, and are not in another group
  • mods - similar to initial, but for OP* players.
  • This applies on login, so players need to relog if OP is toggled while they are ingame.

Group Values:

  • name - this is the name of the particular group, it must be unique
  • prefix - this is appended at the beginning of the player's name in chat, supports §<code> for formatting
  • suffix - like prefix, appended after the player's name
  • members - this is a list of all of the player's UUIDs in the group
  • all - if true, the player can use any perm, unless it is in bannedCommands
  • all_non_op - if true, the player can use any, defaulted to not OP perm, unless it is in bannedCommands
  • allowedCommands - list of explicitly allowed perms for this group, so long as not in bannedCommands
  • bannedCommands - the player cannot use anything in here
  • parentName - if present, the group will inherit any permission from the group by this name

Default per-player file: These have not been fully tested yet, and might not be functional!

  "id": "<UUID>",
  "name": "<NAME>",
  "prefix": "",
  "suffix": "",
  "groups": [],
  "all": false,
  "all_non_op": true,
  "allowedCommands": [],
  "bannedCommands": []

The values in here are mostly the same as for groups, except name is the player's name, and id is the player's uuid, the file's name is the same as UUID

Player Specific Values:

  • groups - this is a list of additional groups for this player to inherit perms from, this is the names of the groups