- Break out json_api tests: items, sources, categories, etc.
- Test for valid output from mojo app
- Test for valid output from backbone app
- Test CRUD features of UI
- Add categories for sources
- Output list of items by feed category
- Output list of items by "hot" (social counts)
- Fix issue where feed item is updated to a new URL, but when looking for new items its reimported with the old URL (move fix into the item collection script)
- Add status column to items table, so that items can also be set to deleted (so they are not re-added on the next check/run)
- Finish routes for /categories
- Switch to Readability Parser API,
- Re-write app.js to use Backbone Layout Manager for items
- Implement "more" interaction to update collection
- Migrate to async fetch for templates in development mode
- Re-write app.js to use Backbone Layout Manager for sources
- Add route for /categories
- Add route for /hot
- Remove the category-header template; do something smarter...
- UI for new Source, Category
- /source/:id should use a sub-view for the items
- dates need to be put in the right timezone!
- Move REST endpoints to a full Mojo app with OAuth
- Only show create/update/delete buttons (or content editable) to an authenticated user
- Move cron scripts into Minion jobs
- Embed.ly API for image resizing/croping, http://embed.ly/docs/api/display/endpoints/1/display/resize