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Translation Chat Rooms

Quincy Larson edited this page Aug 20, 2016 · 1 revision

Discuss in language specific Translations Chat Rooms.

Many people want to collaborate, but get intimidated by the learning curve of Git and "Contribution Procedures" in general. While it's not difficult to get started, it's always nice to have someone to help you if you get stuck. These chat rooms are the best places to communicate whenever you need any assistance.

Please join the gitter channel [FreeCodeCamp/Translators] and also join the channel for the translating of your specific language (if it exists):

Language Chat Room
Amharic FreeCodeCamp/TranslationAmharic
Arabic FreeCodeCamp/TranslationArabic
Bahasa Indonesia FreeCodeCamp/TranslationBahasaIndonesia
Bangla FreeCodeCamp/TranslationBangla
Brazilian Portuguese FreeCodeCamp/BrazilianPortuguese
Chinese (Simplified) FreeCodeCamp/TranslationChinese
Dutch FreeCodeCamp/TranslationDutch
French FreeCodeCamp/TranslationFrench
German FreeCodeCamp/TranslationDeutsch
Hindi FreeCodeCamp/TranslateHindi
Italian FreeCodeCamp/TranslationItaliana
Kartuli FreeCodeCamp/TranslationKartuli
Korean StephenMayeux/koreantranslations
Russian FreeCodeCamp/TranslationRussian
Serbian FreeCodeCamp/TranslateSerbian
Spanish FreeCodeCamp/Espanol
Turkish FreeCodeCamp/TranslateTurkish

If it doesn't exist, we recommend you to create a chat room on Gitter exclusive for the language that you're working on, where you can communicate and discuss the status of translations and coordinate efforts. Help regarding the technical processes should also be provided in the chat room.

Pro tip: Share the Chat Room link at [FreeCodeCamp/Translators] and other places to invite more translators and reviewers.

If you need help in creating a chat room or just getting started, we advice you visit the official translators chat room of FreeCodeCamp at [FreeCodeCamp/Translators]. You can go there to recruit new translators for your language every once in a while. Its frequented by many campers and is a great place to connect with like minded translators.

Joining Translators Chat Room

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