Advanced calculator interpreter having various operations using C language.
This documentation describes the use of accompanying C code that implements the methods described in main.c .Makefile is provided ,one who want to test can give a promp to console "make" and create executable named avcalc. make MakeFile ./advcalc . . .
It is actually language implementation compatible with console. Interpreter take input as infix expression from user and evaluate its value and also handling some error cases. Infix expressions include various operations : A+B →Returns summation of A and B A*B → Returns multiplication of A and B A-B → Returns substraction of A and B A&B → Returns bitwise A and B A|B → Returns bitwise A or B Xor(A,B) → Returns bitwise A xor B. Ls(A,B) → Returns the result of A shifted B bits to the left. Rs(A,B) → Returns the result of A shifted B bits to the right. Lr(A,B) → Returns result of A rotated B times to the left. Rr(A,B) → Returns the result of A rotated B times to the right. Not(A)→Return bitwise complement of A. Also is used for terminated interpreter screen. And also in this language ‘%’ is used for command lines. They should not be included in evaluation process.
Given implementation used fgets method and reads the user
input untill terminator command encountered.(Ctrl-D→ EOF in Unix
Env.) Firstly, code convert the infix(input)expression into postfix which
are stored in array. In algorithm, we use also stack which is used for
determining predecende and so correct order in postfix expression.
Operators are also have corresponding priority relative to their
precendence order and they are stored in stack.If reading pointer
match with ‘)’, the code starts popping from stack till stack top is ‘(‘.
Integer and variables are pushed to the postfix array directly. But in case of methods(ls,rr,rs…) we assing them some special chars like # ->
rs and / -> lr etc. Then, we push them into the stack to determine the
correct order of final postfix.
After settling postfix array, postfix array is sent to evalPost()
method which printing result. It is important to mention that in this
method, another stack (evalStack) which we insert numerical values
of postfix is used . In general this code iterates until matching with
operator or method signature. If so, it pops last two value or one(in
case of not function) and evaluate them.For example if evalStack is
empty and we trace in postfix like 12+ then we should pop 1 and 2
and push them into evalStack. It continious like this way and we print
evalStack top element which is our correct result.
String or char variables are stored in Hashmap struct. Hash
(index) calculation is provided with implementation. So if key is
already exist, it will be overwrited.Otherwise, new value will be
stored in correct position of corresponding key. Implementation also provides error checking.Firstly, basic
stack(balanceStack) used in form of array to throw an error statement
in case of unbalancing paranthesis.If current char equals ‘(‘ ,char will
be pushed to the stack. But, if char equals ‘)’ then peek of stack
should be pop. In the end if there is inbalance throw an error.
We identified integers, variables,operators, paranthesis and
functions as distinc integer values:
Integers and variables → 1
Operators → 2
(Opened Paranthesis,Closed P.) ->3,4
Functions -> 5
The code starts with int error = 0 then if matches any of one
mentioned above, it is reassigned corresponding values. It facilitate
error handling for example. If error equals 1 meaning previous string
or char was integer and current char matches with opened p. (2 (…))
Which is not possible case so the code will throw an error.
When dealing with error handling,(For example 1++2 or 1 2 -3)
we tried to approach in many ways. But, they are not efficient as
much as we predicted.Thus, we developed a different approach which
is assigning values for different type of chars or strings as we
mentioned above.
Also, it is important to mention that Token struct can be used in
implementation and it can have char value and Token type like
Token.Type = Operator,Method… In this implementation we stored all
information in array and prefer to store them as char values.
> x=2
> x*2
> y = x - 4 * (x + x) > y = -12
(((x) //Paranthesis Imbalance
> x+y+1*-1
Error! //Two operator next to each other which is not possible in this
language, they are defined unary operator.