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yourls-api is a JavaScript library that provides bindings for the YOURLS API using JSONP.
This library is only compatible with YOURLS version 1.5.1 or newer.
yourls.connect(url[, credentials])
yourls.shorten(url[, keyword], callback(data)[, context])
yourls.stats([filter][, limit], callback(data)[, context])
yourls.url.expand(callback(data)[, context])
yourls.url.stats(callback(data)[, context])
If you have any problems with this library or would like to see the changes currently in development you can do so here;
Take a look at docs/yourls.html
to get a better understanding of what the code
is doing.
If that doesn't help, feel free to follow me on Twitter, @neocotic.
However, if you want more information or examples of using this library please visit the project's homepage;