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DispenserProvider contract is part of a system designed to manage and dispense tokens from a pool in response to approved requests. It allows creating token pools and locking tokens for distribution according to predefined conditions

Audit report

The audit report is available here: Audit Report



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The DispenserProvider contract manages token dispensing in collaboration with LockDealNFT, Simple Providers, and VaultManager contracts. It creates token pools, locks tokens, and distributes them based on predefined rules set by these providers.

Key Features

  • Token Pool Creation: Allows the creation of token pools, storing tokens for later distribution.
  • Token Dispensing: Locks tokens for a specified recipient using a signature-based authorization.
  • Integration with Multiple Providers: Works with other provider contracts like LockDealProvider, DealProvider, and TimedDealProvider.
  • Events and Notifications: Emits events for tracking token distributions and errors.

Use case

Every IDO goes through three stages:

  1. Registration.
  2. Participation.
  3. Token Distribution.

Dispenser Provider is responsible for the third stage: Token Distribution.

Currently, the Registration stage is managed by the Backend, which sends a verification signature for registration to the IDO. When users decide to participate and have already registered, they need to purchase IDO tokens during the Participation stage. At this point, the InvestProvider contract takes action.

After the Participation stage, the project owner receives a list of participants along with their investment information. Based on this data, the total supply of required IDO tokens is calculated. The project owner then creates a new dispenser pool with this total amount, which will be used for distribution.

Every user who has registered and participated in the IDO can obtain a signature from the Backend, containing data related to their token distribution. The signature is valid for a limited time, can only be used once, and users cannot request multiple signatures. The signature may be public. Even if someone else obtains the signature, they cannot use it on their behalf. The signature is bound to the intended recipient, ensuring that only the rightful user can claim the associated tokens. Additionally, the receiver has the option to delegate the dispenseLock call to an approved address.

When the User receives the signature, they can claim IDO tokens using it. As a result, after the dispenseLock call, the receiver will receive locked tokens based on the IDO conditions.


This picture illustrates the relationships between actors and processes.

Contracts diagram


Create Dispenser Pool

createNewPool function is used to create a new token pool with specific parameters. This function accepts an array of addresses, an array of pool parameters, and a signature from the pool owner. It interacts with the LockDealNFT contract to mint and transfer the tokens, register the pool.

     * @dev Creates a new pool with the specified parameters.
     * @param addresses[0] The address of the pool owner.
     * @param addresses[1] The address of the token associated with the pool.
     * @param params An array of pool parameters.
     * @param signature The signature of the pool owner.
     * @return poolId The ID of the newly created pool.
    function createNewPool(
        address[] calldata addresses,
        uint256[] calldata params,
        bytes calldata signature
        returns (uint256 poolId);

Testnet example call: BSC Testnet Transaction

Function selector: 0x14877c38

Typescript example

To interact with the createNewPool function from a TypeScript script, you can use the following example. Ensure you have installed the necessary dependencies such as ethers, hardhat, and appropriate network configuration.

import { ethers } from "hardhat"

const amount = ethers.parseUnits("10", 18)
const tokenAddress = await token.getAddress()
const addresses = [await signer.getAddress(), tokenAddress]
const params = [amount]
const nounce = await vaultManager.nonces(fromAddress)
const creationSignature = await ethers.provider
            ethers.utils.solidityKeccak256(["address", "uint256", "uint256"], [tokenAddress, amount, nounce])
await token.approve(await vaultManager.getAddress(), amount)
await dispenserProvider.createNewPool([ownerAddress, tokenAddress], params, creationSignature)

Dispense Lock

dispenseLock function is responsible for dispensing tokens from a pool to the specified receiver based on predefined rules. It ensures that the caller is authorized, the request is valid, and that the signature provided matches the expected one. This function handles simple NFTs and emits an event when tokens are dispensed.

To call this function, caller must have the pool owner's signature, be the recipient or an approved representative of the recipient, or the pool owner can call it on behalf of a specific user. Upon successful execution, the recipient will receive locked tokens from simple providers.

    /// @notice Dispenses tokens from a locked pool based on provided data and signature.
    /// If the pool owner intends to dispense tokens to himself, using the Withdraw
    /// or Split followed by Withdraw option is recommended.
    /// This function supports dispensing tokens to any address specified by the owner.
    /// The signature provided is unique and can be used only once
    /// @dev Validates the caller's approval, the signature, the availability of tokens, and the lock time before dispensing.
    ///      If successful, it dispenses the tokens and emits an event.
    /// @param message The message struct containing the pool ID, receiver address, data, and validUntil timestamp.
    /// @param signature The signature provided by the pool owner to validate the message.
    function dispenseLock(
        MessageStruct calldata message,
        bytes calldata signature

EIP-712 JSON signature format: #60 (comment)

Testnet example call: BSC Testnet Transaction

Function selector: 0xad43114e

TypeScript Example

To interact with the dispenseLock function in a TypeScript script, you can use the following example. Ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed (ethers, hardhat, etc.), and adjust network configurations accordingly.

import { ethers } from "hardhat"

const amount = ethers.parseUnits("10", 18)
const poolId = 1 // Example pool ID
const ONE_DAY = 86400
const validTime = (await time.latest()) + ONE_DAY
let userData: IDispenserProvider.BuilderStruct = {
    simpleProvider: await lockProvider.getAddress(), // or any simple provider.
    params: [amount / 2n, validTime],
let usersData: IDispenserProvider.BuilderStruct[] = [userData]
const signatureData: IDispenserProvider.MessageStructStruct = {
    poolId: poolId,
    receiver: await receiver.getAddress(),
    validUntil: validTime,
    data: usersData,
const signature = await createEIP712Signature(
    await receiver.getAddress(),
    await dispenserProvider.getAddress(),
await dispenserProvider.dispenseLock(signatureData, signature)

async function createEIP712Signature(
    poolId: bigint,
    receiver: string,
    validUntil: number,
    signer: SignerWithAddress,
    contractAddress: string,
    data: IDispenserProvider.BuilderStruct[]
): Promise<string> {
    const domain = {
        name: "DispenserProvider",
        version: "1",
        chainId: (await ethers.provider.getNetwork()).chainId,
        verifyingContract: contractAddress,
    const types = {
        Builder: [
            { name: "simpleProvider", type: "address" },
            { name: "params", type: "uint256[]" },
        MessageStruct: [
            { name: "poolId", type: "uint256" },
            { name: "receiver", type: "address" },
            { name: "validUntil", type: "uint256" },
            { name: "data", type: "Builder[]" },
    const value = {
        data: data,
        poolId: poolId.toString(),
        receiver: receiver,
        validUntil: validUntil,

    // Use signTypedData to create the signature
    return await signer.signTypedData(domain, types, value)


The-Poolz Contracts is released under the MIT License.