This is the first release of Vireo4, which has been implemented using Spring Boot, Java, and AngularJS.
What's Changed
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 129 available document types by @sfdi in #115
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 139 controlled vocabulary management by @wwelling in #118
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 139 controlled vocabulary management merging by @wwelling in #122
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 133 available languages by @wwelling in #119
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 133 available languages merging by @wwelling in #124
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 128 embargo types merging by @wwelling in #125
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 128 embargo types by @gadkrumholz in #120
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 127 email settings merging by @wwelling in #127
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 127 email settings by @wwelling in #126
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 125 look and feel merging by @jcreel in #128
- 4.0.x sprint7 vir 125 look and feel by @jeremythuff in #123
- 4.0.x sprint7 staging refactor by @wwelling in #129
- 4.0.x sprint7 staging framework upgrade by @wwelling in #130
- 4.0.x sprint8 vir 135 136 138 by @jeremythuff in #132
- 4.0.x sprint8 vir 200 entity validation merging by @gadkrumholz in #134
- 4.0.x sprint8 vir 200 entity validation by @gadkrumholz in #133
- 4.0.x sprint8 remove cascade by @wwelling in #136
- Fix for logic in .equals for Embargo by @gadkrumholz in #137
- Only filter application.properties. by @wwelling in #138
- 4.0.x sprint9 by @gadkrumholz in #139
- Removed workflow. Moved workflow steps to Organization. Originating a… by @wwelling in #142
- 4.0.x sprint9 jwt modification by @wwelling in #146
- 4.0.x sprint9 validated base by @wwelling in #147
- 4.0.x sprint9 user role interface by @wwelling in #148
- 4.0.x sprint8 vir 169 shib merger by @gadkrumholz in #145
- 4.0.x sprint8 vir 169 shib by @jsavell in #135
- 4.0.x sprint8 staging by @gadkrumholz in #149
- 4.0.x sprint9 validated base by @wwelling in #140
- 4.0.x sprint9 user role interface by @wwelling in #141
- Updated AuthControllerTest to mock Environment. by @wwelling in #144
- 4.0.x sprint9 by @gadkrumholz in #150
- Cast to ValidatingBase for validation. by @wwelling in #151
- Fix for BaseEntity not being correctly found by Eclipse by @gadkrumholz in #152
- 4.0.x sprint9 vir 201 business validation by @gadkrumholz in #143
- Compass compile and shibb fixes by @gadkrumholz in #155
- 4.0.x sprint10 staging vir 176 142 by @jcreel in #156
- 4.0.x sprint10 vir 202 validation response by @gadkrumholz in #158
- Update OrganizationCategoryTest.java by @gadkrumholz in #159
- 4.0.x sprint10 vir 176 142 workflowstep addition by @jeremythuff in #160
- 4.0.x sprint10 vir 176 142 jpa aggregation by @wwelling in #162
- 4.0.x sprint10 staging vir 176 142 by @wwelling in #163
- 4.0.x sprint10 vir 176 142 fptests by @wwelling in #164
- 4.0.x sprint10 vir 176 142 workflow step ui by @wwelling in #165
- 4.0.x sprint10 vir 176 142 field profile ui temp by @wwelling in #166
- 4.0.x sprint10 vir 176 142 field profile ui by @wwelling in #167
- 4.0.x sprint10 vir 176 142 field profile ui pure input types by @sfdi in #169
- 4.0.x sprint12 vir 173 submission persistence by @jcreel in #173
- added new submision view with triptych for selecting organization by @jeremythuff in #171
- 4.0.x sprint12 vir 173 submission persistence by @jeremythuff in #174
- 4.0.x sprint12 vir 245 notes merge staging by @wwelling in #176
- 4.0.x sprint12 vir 245 notes by @wwelling in #170
- 4.0.x sprint12 vir 238 create field profiles by @sfdi in #172
- 4.0.x sprint12 vir 238 create field profiles merge staging by @wwelling in #177
- 4.0.x sprint12 vir 109 welcome page button by @gadkrumholz in #175
- Update of field profiles. Now full CRUD. by @wwelling in #179
- Upgraded to new framework snapshot. Removed object mapping and parsin… by @wwelling in #180
- Encapsulated InputType. Server, client, loader, and tests. by @wwelling in #182
- Encapsulated InputType. Server, client, loader, and tests. by @wwelling in #181
- 4.0.x sprint13 vir 162 field profile directive by @jeremythuff in #183
- 4.0.x sprint13 vir 226 non overridable field profiels and notes by @wwelling in #184
- Fixed overrideablility of notes and field profiles. by @wwelling in #185
- 4.0.x sprint13 vir 147 list etds by @sfdi in #187
- 4.0.x sprint13 staging 174 merge by @sfdi in #188
- 4.0.x sprint13 staging 174 student submission merge by @sfdi in #190
- 4.0.x sprint13 staging model refactor by @sfdi in #191
- 4.0.x sprint13 client model by @wwelling in #192
- 4.0.x sprint13 vir 226 non overridable field profiels and notes by @wwelling in #193
- Edited columns in student submission history. by @sfdi in #194
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 271 student submission repo by @jeremythuff in #195
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 261 input radio by @jeremythuff in #205
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 57 input checkbox by @jeremythuff in #204
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 262 input tel by @jeremythuff in #203
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 258 input datetime by @jeremythuff in #202
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 265 input select by @jeremythuff in #201
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 264 input text area by @jeremythuff in #200
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 255 input email by @jeremythuff in #198
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 254 input text by @jeremythuff in #197
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 163 submission notes by @jeremythuff in #196
- Fixed checkbox styling by @jeremythuff in #206
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 252 persisting submissions by @jeremythuff in #209
- 4.0.x sprint14 validation by @wwelling in #207
- 4.0.x sprint14 validation merge by @wwelling in #208
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 164 submission loading indicator by @jeremythuff in #210
- 4.0.x sprint14 client validation by @wwelling in #211
- No longer sending unvalidated data to server. by @wwelling in #212
- 4.0.x sprint14 fixes by @wwelling in #213
- Fixed reorder tests for postgres that do not have OrderColumn annotat… by @wwelling in #214
- 4.0.x sprint14 validate user settings by @wwelling in #215
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 278 submission columns selection by @wwelling in #216
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 280 user submission view columns by @wwelling in #217
- 4.0.x sprint14 vir 279 reset submission view columns by @wwelling in #218
- 4.0.x sprint14 submission paging sorting serverside by @wwelling in #220
- Fixed submission mapping for one to not overwrite the other. by @wwelling in #219
- Using typeahead of validated input directive. by @wwelling in #221
- fixed bugs with styling and native validation by @jeremythuff in #222
- 4.0.x sprint14 submission list sorting by @wwelling in #223
- 4.0.x sprint14 field value submission improvements by @jeremythuff in #224
- 4.0.x sprint14 responsive settings by @wwelling in #225
- 4.0.x metadata submission column values by @wwelling in #227
- 4.0.x sprint15 vir 248 field profile changes by @jeremythuff in #228
- 4.0.x sprint15 inheritence abstraction by @wwelling in #233
- 4.0.x sprint15 vir 288 large websocket message by @jeremythuff in #234
- Applied framework changes. by @wwelling in #229
- 4.0.x sprint15 inheritence abstraction by @wwelling in #230
- 4.0.x sprint15 vir 259 input file merging by @jeremythuff in #232
- 4.0.x sprint15 vir 259 input file by @jeremythuff in #231
- Fixed UI bugs. by @wwelling in #235
- 4.0.x sprint15 vir 304 sorting metadata values by @wwelling in #236
- 4.0.x sprint15 document type by @wwelling in #237
- 4.0.x sprint15 merge 299 correct by @sfdi in #238
- 4.0.x sprint15 vir 311 prevent doctype predicates validation by @sfdi in #239
- 4.0.x sprint15 vir 311 prevent doctype predicates validation merge by @wwelling in #243
- 4.0.x sprint15 vir 311 prevent doctype predicates by @sfdi in #240
- 4.0.x sprint15 vir 310 document type predicates by @sfdi in #241
- Default document types loaded. Field profile create/edit toggle predi… by @wwelling in #244
- 4.0.x sprint15 document types by @wwelling in #245
- Finished logic for submission button by @jeremythuff in #249
- 4.0.x sprint16 named search filters by @wwelling in #250
- 4.0.x sprint16 full search by @wwelling in #251
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 143 filter columns ui by @jsavell in #254
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 145 by @jeremythuff in #252
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 146 advanced features by @jeremythuff in #253
- 4.0.x sprint17 submission query by @jeremythuff in #258
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 146 advanced features by @wwelling in #262
- 4.0.x sprint17 merging by @wwelling in #268
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 143 filter options by @wwelling in #265
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 146 advanced features by @wwelling in #266
- 4.0.x sprint17 fetching submission query by @wwelling in #267
- Able to edit top level organization by @wwelling in #269
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 326 flat organization heirachy by @wwelling in #270
- Added start new submission modal to the submission history view by @jeremythuff in #271
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 329 workflow per submission by @wwelling in #274
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 144 further filter by refactor by @jeremythuff in #279
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 299 delete organization by @wwelling in #276
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 299 delete organization merge staging by @wwelling in #277
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 299 delete organization triptych directive by @wwelling in #278
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 144 further filter by sql query by @jeremythuff in #282
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 325 advanced field profile by @wwelling in #281
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 327 disable field profile by @wwelling in #280
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 144 further filter by by @jeremythuff in #283
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 144 further filter by merging by @jeremythuff in #284
- Search bob all column search filter by @wwelling in #285
- 4.0.x sprint17 staging fixes by @jeremythuff in #286
- Displaying dynamic name of base level organization by @jeremythuff in #287
- Added edit repeatable in fp modal. by @wwelling in #288
- Fixed tooltip typo by @wwelling in #289
- 4.0.x sprint17 vir 328 submission file upload by @wwelling in #290
- Distinct count query and comma seperated field values. by @wwelling in #291
- Open login modal with modal service to enable proper functionality. by @wwelling in #292
- Wrap update in timeout to give time for modal closing to reset scroll… by @wwelling in #293
- Use injector to get StudentSubmissionRepo to prevent fetching from se… by @wwelling in #294
- Able to add/remove repeatable field values. by @wwelling in #295
- 4.0.x sprint18 vir 352 unexpected empty field values by @wwelling in #296
- If filter value of boolean is false perform or is null by @wwelling in #297
- 4.0.x sprint18 vir 357 none evaluate is empty by @wwelling in #298
- 4.0.x sprint18 vir 355 exact match query by @wwelling in #299
- 4.0.x sprint18 vir 328 submission file upload by @wwelling in #300
- 4.0.x sprint18 vir 154 submission view reviewer notes by @wwelling in #304
- Select submission in list view navigates to submission item view. by @wwelling in #301
- 4.0.x sprint18 vir 364 submission item tab behavior by @wwelling in #302
- 4.0.x sprint18 vir 151 submission view info tabs by @wwelling in #303
- 4.0.x sprint18 vir 156 submission view all files by @wwelling in #305
- Sprint 18 vir 190 192 text fixes by @sfdi in #307
- 4.0.x sprint18 document type conflation fix staging merge by @jcreel in #306
- 4.0.x sprint8 vir 130 committee members staging merge by @jcreel in #309
- 4.0.x sprint18 csv upload fix by @wwelling in #308
- Using REST for create and update field profile to handle large contro… by @wwelling in #310
- Not reset field predicate when input type changes. Clear open section… by @wwelling in #312
- Typeahead for text, url, email and telephone inputs when controlled v… by @wwelling in #311
- Give typeahead time to set value on ng-model. by @wwelling in #313
- Return q and resolve within timeout of field profile save. by @wwelling in #314
- Updated controlled vocabulary management text to reflect functionality. by @wwelling in #315
- Use bolean string value for sql condition to be compatable with vario… by @wwelling in #316
- 4.0.x sprint19 vir 165 delete submission by @jeremythuff in #317
- 4.0.x sprint19 vir 149 submission status by @jeremythuff in #318
- 4.0.x sprint19 vir 198 email workflow rules by @jeremythuff in #319
- 4.0.x sprint19 vir 166 state transition email merging by @jeremythuff in #321
- 4.0.x sprint19 vir 166 state transition email by @jeremythuff in #320
- 4.0.x sprint19 staging fixes by @jeremythuff in #322
- Now displaying an advance button on student submission by @jeremythuff in #323
- Fixed the DocumentTypeTest by @jeremythuff in #326
- Added check for dissabled email workflow rule by @jeremythuff in #327
- Status advanced defaults to open by @jeremythuff in #328
- Status reset method sets advanced to true by @jeremythuff in #329
- 4.0.x sprint20 vir 172 advisor submission status by @jeremythuff in #337
- 4.0.x sprint20 vir 375 review submission by @jeremythuff in #338
- 4.0.x sprint20 vir 150 custom action sidebar merging by @jeremythuff in #340
- 4.0.x sprint20 vir 150 custom action sidebar by @jeremythuff in #339
- Added None to the activeDocument sidebar if there is no primary document by @rladdusaw in #343
- 4.0.x sprint20 vir 253 credential population merging by @jeremythuff in #345
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 373 submission validation by @rladdusaw in #348
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 373 375 385 by @jeremythuff in #349
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 385 submission links by @jeremythuff in #346
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 388 continue submission by @rladdusaw in #350
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 389 view submission by @rladdusaw in #351
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 253 shib values by @jsavell in #347
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 253 shib values merge by @jsavell in #352
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 390 391 by @rladdusaw in #354
- Modified the regex to allow the final checkdigit to be 'X' by @rladdusaw in #355
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 392 orcid verification by @rladdusaw in #356
- Fixed duplication of field value durring save by @rladdusaw in #357
- 4.0.x sprint21 staging sidebar update fixes by @rladdusaw in #358
- 4.0.x sprint21 staging fixes by @jeremythuff in #359
- Not replacing all claims during refresh token. by @wwelling in #364
- 4.0.x sprint20 csv upload bug fix merge by @wwelling in #363
- 4.0.x sprint20 csv upload bug fix by @wwelling in #362
- 4.0.x sprint20 login buttom modal bug fix merge by @wwelling in #361
- 4.0.x sprint20 login buttom modal bug fix by @wwelling in #360
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 253 shib values merge by @jsavell in #365
- Modified href paths for compatibility with Tomcat by @cstarcher in #333
- Modified href paths for compatibility with Tomcat by @cstarcher in #332
- 4.0.x sprint19 staging merge by @wwelling in #367
- 4.0.x sprint19 staging by @wwelling in #366
- 4.0.x sprint21 submission test fix by @wwelling in #369
- 4.0.x sprint21 attachment type test fix by @wwelling in #370
- 4.0.x sprint22 style adjustments by @wwelling in #371
- Added editorconfig. by @wwelling in #372
- 4.0.x sprint22 file upload fix by @wwelling in #377
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 404 flag field profiles by @jeremythuff in #376
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 399 view input types merge by @wwelling in #378
- Updated field value save. Added forms for input contact and orcid. by @wwelling in #375
- Fixed Field Profile Test. by @wwelling in #379
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 377 submission custom actions dialog merge by @wwelling in #381
- 4.0.x sprint22 submission dialog improvements by @wwelling in #382
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 396 action logs merge by @wwelling in #384
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 396 action logs by @jeremythuff in #383
- Cleanup and formatting. Tests Passing. Removed deprecations. Finished… by @wwelling in #385
- Remove EAGER fetched Organization from User. by @wwelling in #386
- Lazy fetch action logs. Fix tests after. Add ActionLog api mapping. by @wwelling in #387
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 155 by @jeremythuff in #388
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 403 make corrections by @wwelling in #390
- Modified hrefs for Tomcat compatibility by @cstarcher in #389
- Optimized organization selection. Disallow creating duplicate submiss… by @wwelling in #391
- 4.0.x sprint22 admin file upload email by @wwelling in #392
- 4.0.x sprint22 style improvements by @wwelling in #393
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 397 advisor approval merge by @wwelling in #395
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 397 advisor approval by @jeremythuff in #394
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 167 sword merge by @wwelling in #397
- 4.0.x sprint21 vir 167 sword export by @jeremythuff in #396
- Added ngtables to action log directive by @jeremythuff in #399
- 4.0.x sprint22 vir 167 sword by @wwelling in #398
- 4.0.x sprint22 staging improvements by @wwelling in #400
- Fixed issues discovered during pre-practice demo. by @wwelling in #401
- Using fixed version of h2. by @wwelling in #402
- Cli fixed pagination by @wwelling in #403
- Cli fixed pagination by @jcreel in #404
- Cli by @jcreel in #405
- 4.0.x framework upgrade by @wwelling in #407
- Refactored authorization for the users page and added permissions to … by @rladdusaw in #411
- Added profiles for windows/non-windows systems to run dependencies co… by @rladdusaw in #408
- If container adds 404 error page and not xhr request set response sta… by @wwelling in #410
- Updated weaver framework version. by @rladdusaw in #412
- 4.0.x fixed metamodel merging by @wwelling in #420
- 4.0.x sprint23 vir 417 advisor actionlog by @rladdusaw in #422
- 4.0.x sprint23 vir 249 display organization name by @rladdusaw in #419
- 4.0.x sprint vir 426 continue button wrong submission by @rladdusaw in #417
- Accepting all checkbox values as valid by @rladdusaw in #415
- 4.0.x sprint23 vir 423 institution error by @rladdusaw in #413
- 4.0.x sprint23 vir 318 manage predicates by @jeremythuff in #416
- 4.0.x sprint23 vir 382 recursive emails by @jeremythuff in #423
- 4.0.x sprint23 vir 383 email templates by @jeremythuff in #424
- 4.0.x basic login fix by @wwelling in #418
- Fixed text insertion bugs by @jeremythuff in #425
- Fixed hibernate merge context issues. by @wwelling in #427
- 4.0.x sprint23 staging inheritance by @wwelling in #430
- 4.0.x sprint23 staging fixes by @jeremythuff in #426
- When multiple submissions are off, the continue button takes you to t… by @rladdusaw in #428
- 4.0.x sprint23 staging fixes by @wwelling in #431
- Reintroduced Jame's hack. by @wwelling in #432
- Removed call the addComment method which was not needed by @rladdusaw in #433
- Allows manager or admin to delete student submission. by @wwelling in #435
- 4.0.x sprint23 staging org inheritence bug by @wwelling in #434
- 4.0.x sprint23 staging org inheritence bug merge by @wwelling in #436
- Allow org with same name under different parent org. by @wwelling in #438
- Fixed non overridability occuring on self. by @wwelling in #439
- Run npm without symlinks to bin. by @wwelling in #440
- 4.0.x sprint23 staging by @wwelling in #437
- Fixed delete controlled vocabulary and validation. by @wwelling in #443
- Fixed delete controlled vocabulary and validation. by @wwelling in #441
- Merge pull request #441 from TexasDigitalLibrary/4.0.x-sprint23-stagi… by @jcreel in #444
- Cstarcher contextpath pr by @jcreel in #445
- 4.0.x sprint23 staging by @jcreel in #446
- New ascii art logo by @rladdusaw in #448
- Pre demo fixes by @jcreel in #450
- Fix RequestMapping for Tomcat compatibility by @cstarcher in #442
- 4.0.x sprint23 staging by @jcreel in #451
- Url configuration by @wwelling in #452
- Single page app with embedded or standalone Tomcat by @wwelling in #454
- Removed default values for degree and institution codes by @rladdusaw in #455
- Updated TDL license and corrected the label on the configuration sett… by @rladdusaw in #456
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 433 add template c vs by @rladdusaw in #457
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 436 enable org submissions by @rladdusaw in #458
- Let parent project specify postgresql version. by @wwelling in #460
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 445 proquest license input type by @rladdusaw in #461
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 386 workflow step instructions merging by @jeremythuff in #464
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 381 organization contacts by @jeremythuff in #459
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 386 workflow step instructions by @jeremythuff in #463
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 434 customize institution by @jeremythuff in #467
- Add file modal now sends emails correctly. by @rladdusaw in #466
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 446 445 combined by @cstarcher in #465
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 445 proquest license input type by @rladdusaw in #462
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 422 heritable repo broadcast by @rladdusaw in #469
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 445 proquest license input type by @rladdusaw in #468
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 401 put identifier in personal info defaults by @rladdusaw in #470
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 451 csv editing mering by @jeremythuff in #473
- 4.0.x sprint24 vir 266 check box text by @jeremythuff in #475
- 4.0.x sprint24 merging by @rladdusaw in #476
- refactor package name by @jcreel in #478
- 4.0.x diagram by @jcreel in #479
- Cv additions by @jcreel in #480
- 4.0.x sprint24 staging by @jcreel in #481
- Only required licenses fail to validate when false by @jeremythuff in #482
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 468 hidden field by @jeremythuff in #483
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 498 org text by @jsavell in #484
- update file upload text by @jsavell in #485
- Controlled vocabulary now triggers month behavior on graduation date by @jeremythuff in #487
- add Institution Identifier as optional shib mapped field by @jsavell in #490
- preserve metadata key when updating field gloss by @jsavell in #491
- display submission date in list view by @jsavell in #492
- added institution id field predicate with updated shib value by @wwelling in #495
- Large file uploads, merged resolving merge conflicts by @wwelling in #494
- Loading system defaults only once by @wwelling in #486
- New and improved entity controlled vocabulary management by @wwelling in #488
- Disable model listeners by @wwelling in #489
- Allow large file uploads by @wwelling in #493
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 517 feedback merge by @jsavell in #502
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 517 feedback by @jsavell in #501
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 508 default values by @jeremythuff in #497
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 508 default values merging by @jeremythuff in #499
- Degrees as entity controlled vocabularies with degree level and ProQuest code by @wwelling in #496
- Embargo controlled vocabularies by @wwelling in #500
- removed testing file by @wwelling in #503
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 518 add document types by @cstarcher in #498
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 518 add document types merge by @wwelling in #504
- VIR-488 Changed text on Submit button of student submission form to m… by @karenruth73 in #508
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 519 file uploads by @wwelling in #506
- document information language using entity controlled language by @wwelling in #507
- added restrict delete validation if entity controlled vocabulary by @wwelling in #509
- fixed user settings bug by @wwelling in #510
- updated system organization definition by @cstarcher in #511
- changed button names for Add Controlled Vocabulary and Manage Control… by @cstarcher in #513
- added strikethrough for disabled field profile by @cstarcher in #515
- switched workflow step delete and update to rest post by @wwelling in #514
- using latest commit of ui core and latest snapshot of webservice core by @wwelling in #516
- updated weaver ui core commit hash by @wwelling in #517
- added organization save notification by @cstarcher in #518
- fixed new submission button for multiple submissions by @cstarcher in #519
- fixed wysiwyg serialization, styled umi settings, timer saves locking… by @wwelling in #521
- allow admin to upload files for doctypes of disabled field profiles by @wwelling in #520
- fixed integration tests where mock stomp passes data into header and … by @wwelling in #522
- fixed role user authorization for profile page by @cstarcher in #523
- fixed field value removal in submission and admin view by @wwelling in #524
- fixed controlled vocabulary joins, fixed client synchronization by @wwelling in #526
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 428 email templates by @wwelling in #527
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 522 license file by @jeremythuff in #525
- 4.0.x sprint25 etd2017 by @jcreel in #528
- added default degrees by @wwelling in #529
- fixed home page and disallow starting a submission when closed by @wwelling in #530
- remove tinymce from vendor concat by @wwelling in #531
- added default graduation months by @wwelling in #532
- Language using select of available languages by @wwelling in #533
- 4.0.x sprint25 postgres compatibility by @wwelling in #536
- add enabled to submission field profile find by query by @wwelling in #537
- 4.0.x sprint25 disallow delete of root organization by @wwelling in #538
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 484 notification with framework fix by @wwelling in #539
- 4.0.x sprint25 vir 515 submission workflow performance by @wwelling in #540
- 4.0.x sprint25 update cv close modal by @wwelling in #541
- scope in progress spinner to degree by @wwelling in #543
- fixed all users dropdown in assign to modal by @wwelling in #544
- fixed update organization by @wwelling in #545
- updated gloss of other committee members by @wwelling in #546
- fixed tooltips appearing off screen in certain application settings by @cstarcher in #547
- call update field gloss in order to preserve metadata key by @wwelling in #548
- removed the legacy vireo 3 code from the vireo 4 branch by @wwelling in #549
- Removed Institution id, made shibbolized institutional id hidden by @jcreel in #551
- 4.0.x sprint25 tcdl workshop merge by @wwelling in #550
- Writing name and date to license files by @jeremythuff in #552
- 4.0.x sprint25 staging by @wwelling in #553
- 4.0.x wording fixes by @jcreel in #555
- Fixed some hidden text and the floating needs-corrections box on subm… by @jcreel in #557
- Use a common service to handle app user/credentialing responsibilities by @jsavell in #554
- resize embargo definition box by @cstarcher in #561
- alphabetized disabled columns in customize filters modal and customiz… by @cstarcher in #560
- fixed toggle button responsiveness by @cstarcher in #559
- Integrates a Default Settings Service (resolved merge conflicts) by @wwelling in #562
- Integrates a Default Settings Service by @jsavell in #556
- 4.0.x by @jcreel in #563
- added default help text to primary manuscript by @cstarcher in #564
- pass field value value property into submission file by @wwelling in #565
- Action logging changes to submission notes via controller by @jcreel in #567
- switch on submission status on update, expose approval date for list,… by @wwelling in #566
- add and exposed default workflow step instructions by @wwelling in #568
- 4.0.x sprint26 vir 557 alphabetize disabled columns modals fix merging by @cstarcher in #576
- Changed weaver dep by @jeremythuff in #572
- 4.0.x sprint26 vir 536 faculty review link by @jcreel in #570
- Removed merge from cascades from user to columns. by @jcreel in #573
- Start submission and related buttons larger and more prominent. by @jcreel in #574
- Just needed to refactor enum name to get the replace button to show a… by @jcreel in #575
- fixed dragging offset by @wwelling in #579
- fixed merge conflict, fixed styling os filter modal, fixed cancel by @wwelling in #578
- cv contacts, contact input type uses cv word contacts by @wwelling in #580
- scrubbed emgargo type join on submission by @wwelling in #581
- embargo name display by @wwelling in #583
- update list view embargo column by @wwelling in #582
- 4.0.x sprint26 vir 552 default filters by @jeremythuff in #577
- remove bower and ruby dependency, improved production build by @wwelling in #584
- scrubbed remaining references to UMI from UI by @cstarcher in #588
- Further filter by hiding statuses correctly by @jcreel in #591
- Clearing element collection to prevent FK constraint on org delete by @jcreel in #590
- No longer trying to grab originating WS off underived WS's for which… by @jcreel in #589
- 4.0.x sprint26 vir 568 delete ws component bug by @jcreel in #587
- 4.0.x sprint26 vir 275 org defaults merging by @jeremythuff in #586
- 4.0.x sprint26 vir 275 org defaults by @jeremythuff in #585
- fixed organization delete by @wwelling in #597
- 4.0.x sprint26 vir 460 file options merging by @jeremythuff in #593
- Now setting files attachments option according to setting by @jeremythuff in #592
- 4.0.x sprint26 vir 459 note options by @jeremythuff in #594
- added new button styling to continue your submission button by @jcreel in #595
- 4.0.x sprint26 vir 458 send admin emails by @jeremythuff in #596
- Fixed condition in fv save by @jeremythuff in #598
- 4.0.x sprint26 vir 567 dirty fv bug merging by @jeremythuff in #599
- Added merge back to user filters by @jeremythuff in #600
- ProQuest XML export by @wwelling in #601
- additional scrub in system organization definition by @cstarcher in #603
- fix system data loader while redeploying with update by @wwelling in #602
- configuration validation fix by @wwelling in #604
- fixes of issues discovered during practice demo by @wwelling in #606
- Fixed error with joining emails on submission by @jeremythuff in #607
- save field value only once on either blur, route change, or typeahead… by @wwelling in #609
- 4.0.x sprint26 staging by @wwelling in #608
- fixed system data loader attempting to create existing submission lis… by @wwelling in #610
- reserve web socket traffic for submission controller by @wwelling in #611
- Issue 246 private messages by @jeremythuff in #247
- Added the ability to edit submission metadata through state property by @jeremythuff in #248
- update README by @jcreel in #612
- 4.0.x sprint26 staging by @jcreel in #613
- api response weaver upgrade by @wwelling in #614
- core entity utility weaver upgrade by @wwelling in #615
- install dev local grunt by @wwelling in #616
- 4.0.x weaver upgrade repo by @wwelling in #617
- 4.0.x weaver upgrade drag drop by @wwelling in #618
- 4.0.x weaver upgrade repo organization category by @wwelling in #619
- 4.0.x weaver upgrade repo organization by @wwelling in #620
- 4.0.x weaver upgrade repo submission by @wwelling in #621
- 4.0.x weaver upgrade repo submission by @wwelling in #622
- 4.0.x weaver upgrade security by @wwelling in #623
- upgraded cv repo and fixed cv upload by @wwelling in #624
- upgraded field gloss and field predicate repos by @wwelling in #625
- upgraded deposit location repo and fixed deserialization of packager … by @wwelling in #626
- upgraded a few repos, updated validation results templating by @wwelling in #627
- synchronizing workflow components upon change by @wwelling in #630
- 4.0.x weaver upgrade staging by @wwelling in #628
- 4.0.x by @jcreel in #631
- alphabetize typeahead for input-text fields with controlled vocabularies by @cstarcher in #632
- remove proquest language justification by @cstarcher in #633
- moved identifier column to right of contacts column in controlled voc… by @cstarcher in #634
- fixed advisor email not showing on student confirm & submit step by @cstarcher in #640
- fixed saving and removing filters by @wwelling in #636
- refactored meta type to status by @wwelling in #637
- formatted degree date in submission confirm & submit step to match fo… by @cstarcher in #641
- fixed upload file section of submission view by @wwelling in #638
- showing embargos on advisor review, fixed approve embargo and applica… by @wwelling in #639
- Switched ids on link to view submission by @jcreel in #644
- removed opacity from submission status boxes for better visibility by @cstarcher in #642
- fixed manuscript validation of accepted file types from controlled vo… by @cstarcher in #646
- Deleting email workflow rules that get removed from an organization. by @jcreel in #651
- Sprint27 email fixes by @jcreel in #648
- Refreshing scope on user login and page load by @rladdusaw in #643
- Removed telephone input type validation by @rladdusaw in #645
- Sprint27 vir 571 license files duplicated by @rladdusaw in #649
- Sprint27 vir 619 organization contact delete by @cstarcher in #652
- fixed drag and drop functionality for controlled vocabulary upload by @cstarcher in #650
- Now able to clear non-required field values by @rladdusaw in #647
- Created templates for two input types and modified the info directive… by @rladdusaw in #653
- Sprint27 staging by @jcreel in #654
- only fetch file info when needed by @wwelling in #655
- Sprint 27 post sprint fixes by @wwelling in #657
- fixed updated vocabulary word by @wwelling in #658
- Sprint27 staging by @wwelling in #659
- relocate webapp directory and fixed logo upload by @wwelling in #661
- WRO theming merge by @wwelling in #664
- Implement dynamic theming for Look And Feel configuration through custom WRO implementation by @jsavell in #662
- disable basic security by @wwelling in #665
- Theme adjustments by @jsavell in #666
- have vireo initialize without weaver initializer by @wwelling in #667
- Wro upgrade by @jsavell in #668
- filter criterion jpa by @wwelling in #671
- Update ProQuest License Agreement by @rladdusaw in #669
- Created new repo and added it to index template by @rladdusaw in #670
- Document files now being written to specificed location by @rladdusaw in #672
- Added new button to show for needs corrections status by @rladdusaw in #673
- Added filter to remove license by @rladdusaw in #674
- Changed isActive value to true for submitted. by @rladdusaw in #676
- redirect to 401 unauthorized when user is unauthenticated by @jsavell in #679
- fix submission view restrictions by @jsavell in #680
- Sprint28 vir 627 reject by @jsavell in #675
- Sprint28 vir 636 access levels by @rladdusaw in #677
- added httpmethodverbs.js to index by @cstarcher in #683
- add missing weaver ui core script tag to grunt production build by @wwelling in #688
- Sprint29 vir 402 batch comment email by @rladdusaw in #686
- [VIR-463] Add File Dialog - Email Typeahead by @jsavell in #685
- provide admins with proquest typeahead by @jsavell in #682
- [VIR-602] Populate subject when admin selects email template under Add Comment by @jsavell in #684
- workaround to provide initial select option for field profile shiboll… by @wwelling in #690
- [VIR-551] Autocomplete the values in Further Filter By text boxes by @jsavell in #691
- Added required parameter to addFilter function by @rladdusaw in #692
- Removed Graduation Semester and Degree Level submissionListColumns an… by @rladdusaw in #694
- alphabetize controlled vocabularies for INPUT_SELECT dropdown by @cstarcher in #695
- [VIR-463] Followup to allow free input or typeahead by @jsavell in #693
- Changed string to match correct deposit location by @rladdusaw in #696
- filter issue by @wwelling in #698
- filter issue by @wwelling in #699
- Sprint29 staging by @wwelling in #701
- Sprint29 vir degree date filter by @jcreel in #702
- Merge pull request #698 from TexasDigitalLibrary/filter-issue by @jcreel in #703
- update 4.0.x by @jcreel in #705
- Fixed generation of advisor email when user's ccEmail is null by @wwelling in #741
- Weaver 2.0.0 by @wwelling in #742
- waffle.io Badge by @waffle-iron in #743
- travis ci by @wwelling in #744
- removed spurious transactional annotations, adjusted cascade operatio… by @wwelling in #776
- hide log tab and menu item by @wwelling in #762
- code cleanup by @wwelling in #753
- fixed karma testing, running tests in travis-ci by @wwelling in #747
- fixed exception handling for exporters by @wwelling in #781
- Application Stability by @wwelling in #787
- fixed input datetime by @wwelling in #794
- fixed approval date value path by @wwelling in #788
- fixed assign to me by @wwelling in #789
- fixed saving emails on organization by @wwelling in #791
- disallow removing license files by student, minor improvements by @wwelling in #792
- 4.0.x sprint30 795 727 list view performance by @wwelling in #798
- only save user once, never without password by @wwelling in #805
- removed merge from note cascade with originating workflow step by @wwelling in #804
- fixed persisting submission list page size by @wwelling in #803
- fixed submission date in submission status sidebar in admin view not … by @cstarcher in #807
- fixed field profile updating not saving by @cstarcher in #813
- 4.0.x sprint30 719 773 email templates by @cstarcher in #815
- active filter columns order persisting by @wwelling in #809
- fixed persisting default values by @wwelling in #810
- organizations performance and submission list UX improvements by @wwelling in #816
- new document type dropdown list not showing by @cstarcher in #821
- updating submission approval and date when changing status by @wwelling in #819
- fixed saving contact input on admin view by @wwelling in #822
- cv delete by @wwelling in #823
- fixed license delete upon submit status change by @wwelling in #826
- update document type field values when status changes by @wwelling in #828
- fixed primary document archival for student and admin by @wwelling in #825
- fixed cancel of organization update by @wwelling in #829
- added document title and manuscript file name to submission history by @cstarcher in #832
- fixed anchorScroll for workflow steps by @cstarcher in #834
- expanded upload functionality to entire upload icon by @cstarcher in #835
- set logged in clone method, organized clone and create by @wwelling in #830
- setting last action date and description in submission status sidebox by @wwelling in #831
- excel export by @wwelling in #836
- fixed user update, fixed default admin role for email registration, disallow manager to change admin role by @wwelling in #837
- staging into 4.0.x by @wwelling in #820
- fixed who has access assignment, fixed date exception by @wwelling in #845
- export fixes by @wwelling in #846
- added cursor focus on top input type in submission workflow steps by @cstarcher in #847
- fixed umi release not showing in submission status sidebox and added … by @cstarcher in #849
- replaced filter with for loop by @cstarcher in #850
- changed text of license agreement and proquest publication in item veiw by @cstarcher in #851
- 4.0.x by @wwelling in #779
- upgrade weaver snapshot by @wwelling in #864
- 4.0.x cli action log by @cstarcher in #865
- 4.0.x 873 chair email visible by @cstarcher in #877
- 4.0.x 872 input contact placeholder by @cstarcher in #878
- Ref #875: ORCID API has changed, requiring updated validation code by @pobocks in #882
- Using approveEmbargoDate instead of approveEmbargo by @rladdusaw in #926
- Added placeholder text by @rladdusaw in #927
- Allow null values to designate unassignment by @kaladay in #928
- fixed input focus for license input types by @cstarcher in #929
- added orderby to sort admin view all files table by date by @cstarcher in #930
- modified assigned to field display in list view to show name by @cstarcher in #931
- fixed typo, modified gloss, and converted add filter booleans to strings by @cstarcher in #932
- "Last event" column does not work in List View by @kaladay in #934
- Modified view to show alternate embargo options by @rladdusaw in #936
- Remove "Submission Type" and "Degree Date" from default list for cust… by @kaladay in #937
- Controlled Vocabulary editing always resets table by @kaladay in #938
- added functionality to filter individual susbmissions from admin subm… by @cstarcher in #883
- 4.0.x 900 list view display 1000 by @cstarcher in #906
- now using exact match filter for submission type by @cstarcher in #933
- June sprint #756 duplicate dom ids by @rladdusaw in #940
- Implemented a display for custom actions in list view by @rladdusaw in #943
- Use correct functions when closing assignee and reset working state w… by @kaladay in #945
- June sprint #860 add comment email templates by @cstarcher in #948
- June sprint #949 input email validation message by @cstarcher in #950
- June sprint #862 tab order by @rladdusaw in #951
- June sprint #953 add file modal email validation by @cstarcher in #955
- June sprint #861 custom action persistence by @rladdusaw in #957
- changed corrections completed button to match vireo 3 by @cstarcher in #944
- Displaying advisor email on committee contact email by @rladdusaw in #946
- added email addresses to action logs for sent emails by @cstarcher in #947
- 4.0.x 896 format degree date by @cstarcher in #925
- Add Return email recipients in Add File on submission by @kaladay in #941
- June sprint #876 log custom action in action log by @kaladay in #959
- Long filenames in uploaded file overflow out of sidebox by @kaladay in #960
- Validate over an array of values when using pattern validation types,… by @kaladay in #952
- Updating weaver ui core to 2.0.0-RC4 by @rladdusaw in #962
- June sprint #897 assigned to unassigned by @kaladay in #942
- added regex to validate email addresses in add file modal by @cstarcher in #967
- Handle case where filterValue may be null when .toString() is used by @kaladay in #968
- Improve tab selection display of workflow step navigation buttons by @kaladay in #971
- fixing problem with logical operator evaluation implemented in previo… by @cstarcher in #972
- fixed preceding semicolon in add comment log when no email addresses … by @cstarcher in #973
- June sprint staging by @jcreel in #974
- updated reviewSubmissionFields.html with InputTypes.INPUT_DEGREEDATE … by @smutniak in #979
- pre sprint setup by @wwelling in #983
- Clarify add e-mail recipients (To/Cc) process #980 by @kaladay in #997
- Disable navigation buttons on student submission page during submit #858 by @kaladay in #998
- save field value on blur of input contant name, invalidates email if … by @wwelling in #985
- use session storage to save page size and number when navigating list… by @wwelling in #986
- improved customize columns and filters by @wwelling in #987
- add orcid field with help text and link to register with orcid by @wwelling in #992
- removed file mime type from upload table, ensured no overlap with tru… by @wwelling in #993
- if field not optional validate on blur by @wwelling in #991
- replace includes with indexOf for IE support by @wwelling in #1000
- disallow delete of archive documents by @wwelling in #989
- user columns sort are transient, need to post to query, sorting submission date properties by @wwelling in #990
- action log convert boolean by @wwelling in #999
- have all submission view inputs utilize controlled vocabularies, fixe… by @wwelling in #988
- Provide error message and reset upload progress on file upload failures #855 by @kaladay in #995
- clean up broadcasting when submission/field value updated, reload vie… by @wwelling in #996
- Provide custom path and link for Look and Feel "Post Correction Instructions" #890 by @kaladay in #1004
- deployments by @wwelling in #1006
- listen for custom action definition change in student submission review by @wwelling in #1011
- Sprint32 #751 file upload use cv by @kaladay in #1012
- filter by custom action value true by definition label, fixed some re… by @wwelling in #1013
- Sprint32 954 mirror email add file add comment modals by @cstarcher in #1015
- updated look and feel drop zone by @wwelling in #1016
- improved styling for new and edit email template modals by @cstarcher in #1018
- dropzone directive requires file-modal attribute by @wwelling in #1020
- publish location by @wwelling in #1019
- set forms untouched on reset, exclusive alert for add deposit location by @wwelling in #1017
- encrypt deposit location password by @wwelling in #1021
- shibboleth mapping field profile by @wwelling in #1025
- Sprint32 #1001 tooltip render html by @kaladay in #1027
- remove field gloss, updated field profile accordingly by @wwelling in #1028
- Restore PR 1027 that was overwritten during PR 1028 by @kaladay in #1033
- each submission repo fetch lazily its submission for individual use by @wwelling in #1031
- fixed buggy shibboleth mapping select by @wwelling in #1029
- configurable email server credentials by @wwelling in #1041
- primary document file name by @wwelling in #1037
- input contact email type ahead by @wwelling in #1038
- ensure validation messages appear when managing metadata keys by @wwelling in #1030
- student submission send to user by @wwelling in #1032
- submission admin view workflow styling by @wwelling in #1034
- workflow management settings by @wwelling in #1035
- Sprint32 1007 field profile normalize with cv merge by @wwelling in #1045
- field profile normalize with controlled vocabulary by @wwelling in #1043
- empty username and password by default by @wwelling in #1044
- student submission styling by @wwelling in #1036
- Sprint32 submission student view styling merge by @wwelling in #1046
- Sprint32 1010 add file additional document file types by @cstarcher in #1049
- use yaml over properties by @wwelling in #1050
- resolved routing glitches by @wwelling in #1051
- Sprint32 staging by @wwelling in #1048
- use reloadOnUrl false with latest angular release by @wwelling in #1052
- use ui bootstrap for tooltip by @wwelling in #1053
- do not expose h2 console in production by @wwelling in #1055
- 4.0.x 866 student workflow previously published checkbox by @cstarcher in #1056
- use popover to confirm conditional textarea text remove by @wwelling in #1057
- 4.0.x pr 1054 corrections by @kaladay in #1058
- removed unused input type by @wwelling in #1059
- fixed refactor regression and implement input contact email typeahead… by @wwelling in #1060
- 4.0.x by @wwelling in #1054
- only scan for desired beans, can not instantiate request scoped beans… by @wwelling in #1061
- Created MarcXML21 exporter by @rladdusaw in #1071
- Broadcasting updated submission to user that changed status by @rladdusaw in #1072
- File upload modal changes by @rladdusaw in #1073
- 4.0.x 1068 email template reordering by @rladdusaw in #1074
- Set body margin and padding to 0 by @rladdusaw in #1075
- Reverted changes that were causing the submission to reload by @rladdusaw in #1076
- Changed license logging defaults by @rladdusaw in #1077
- 1069 delete organizations by @rladdusaw in #1078
- Created new strict contact input type by @rladdusaw in #1079
- Filtering out duplicate predicates by @rladdusaw in #1081
- Starcher pr merge by @rladdusaw in #1085
- added popover to delete organization button when button disabled by @cstarcher in #1083
- 4.0.x oct community sprint cleanup by @rladdusaw in #1084
- 4.0.x undo revert fix reload issue by @wwelling in #1086
- 4.0.x oct community sprint staging by @rladdusaw in #1080
- 4.0.x by @rladdusaw in #1090
- 4.0.x angularjs tests - basic structure pass by @kaladay in #1096
- 4.0.x 711 saf export cleanup by @wwelling in #1101
- fix missed refactoring by @wwelling in #1100
- Community sprint 711 dspace simpleformat by @smutniak in #1102
- 4.0.x by @wwelling in #1097
- 907 AND filter across columns by @jcreel in #1113
- Misc issues by @kaladay in #1115
- Update component/entity scanning to exclude unused wro features by @jsavell in #1117
- 4.0.x 749 745 karma ui test coverage by @kaladay in #1120
- upgrade weaver and other dependencies by @wwelling in #1119
- 4.0.x by @wwelling in #1118
- 1114 input contact select recipient by @jeremythuff in #1125
- [1111] Only admins see an updateable form for the primary institution by @jsavell in #1126
- fixed email workflow rules panel title update when selecting new orga… by @cstarcher in #1129
- [1109] Non-system document types should be removable by @jsavell in #1130
- changed preauthorize role for change-status requestmapping to student by @cstarcher in #1132
- corrected path for FileSaver.js by @cstarcher in #1134
- [1087] Fix home link in submission history view by @jsavell in #1135
- 1136 repeatable field values added on enter key press by @cstarcher in #1138
- 1093 comment email roles by @jeremythuff in #1137
- [713] Restore MarcXML21 export by @jsavell in #1141
- Provide unique filename for each marcxml21 entry by @jsavell in #1144
- Fixes for demo by @jeremythuff in #1147
- removed unnecessary ng-blur causing duplication of input-contact on t… by @cstarcher in #1149
- Added role recipient funcitonality to add file by @jeremythuff in #1152
- fixed filesaver path in grunt file by @cstarcher in #1155
- Jan sprint issue1105 d space export by @smutniak in #1153
- Jan sprint by @jeremythuff in #1142
- 4.0.x 1156 by @smutniak in #1160
- Master build fix by @wwelling in #1171
- Build fix by @wwelling in #1170
- Feb sprint configuration repo patch by @smutniak in #1177
- Added transactional annotation by @rladdusaw in #1178
- Updated STUDENT_URL to ADVISOR_URL by @rladdusaw in #1175
- Added conditional to populate missing fieldValue by @jeremythuff in #1182
- Feb sprint 1092 staff view email message by @jeremythuff in #1179
- Feb sprint 1095 needs correction feedback download by @cstarcher in #1168
- changed method for retrieving primary document file extension by @cstarcher in #1173
- Fixed typos in README.md by @alterdego in #1180
- Feb sprint 1148 consistent file size by @cstarcher in #1181
- changed placeholder text in both custom action edit and new modals by @cstarcher in #1195
- changed default help text for non-chairing committee member by @cstarcher in #1197
- Feb sprint approve application status by @smutniak in #1202
- rearranged settings between application and workflow management tabs by @cstarcher in #1203
- set optional:false for thesis.degree.name to make it a required field… by @smutniak in #1205
- Feb sprint 1193 1196 flagged fields sidebox by @cstarcher in #1206
- Feb sprint 1201 comment public default add email by @cstarcher in #1208
- Feb sprint 1111 admin only institution edit by @cstarcher in #1209
- fixed weaver validation path by @cstarcher in #1210
- fixed authorization errors for role reviewer in list and item views by @cstarcher in #1211
- Feb sprint 1188 submission status submission date updating by @cstarcher in #1192
- rearranged files in directories to reflect interface changes by @cstarcher in #1212
- Feb sprint 1186 currently accepting submissions by @cstarcher in #1194
- Feb sprint flagged field sidebox refactor by @cstarcher in #1213
- fixed assignee update in submission status sidebox by @cstarcher in #1187
- fixed feedback file size formatting in submission view by @cstarcher in #1217
- Feb sprint provenance by @smutniak in #1222
- refactored incorrect input_date to input_datetime by @cstarcher in #1228
- fixed location the jar packaging should look for CV files by @smutniak in #1234
- Feb sprint adding export fields by @smutniak in #1240
- added utility for creating test accounts to be used for protractor te… by @smutniak in #1238
- Feb sprint by @wwelling in #1237
- 4.0.x by @jeremythuff in #1241
- Sprint tcdl 1162 graduation semester by @cstarcher in #1246
- Don't initialize wro theme when running tests by @jsavell in #1243
- added file rename warning under upload button for doctype primary by @cstarcher in #1244
- added filters to sidebox and customize filters modal for search box by @cstarcher in #1245
- Don't initialize wro theme when running tests by @jcreel in #1253
- Sprint tcdl test improvements relating to submission list controller by @kaladay in #1249
- [#1150] Rewrite batch comment email functionality to be like single submission email comment functionality by @kaladay in #1250
- [#1157] Please report error modal does not close when close button is clicked by @kaladay in #1252
- [907] Submission Repo SQL builder needs to account for order of operations in OR and AND for SQL. by @kaladay in #1257
- added pre-select for add email recipients box by @cstarcher in #1258
- Remove ControlledVocabularies by CSV upload by @jsavell in #1255
- [#1150] Rewrite batch comment email functionality follow up by @kaladay in #1259
- prevent reorder when dropped outside of list by @wwelling in #1256
- added multiple accounts and roles to CLI, fixed embargo lift dates in… by @smutniak in #1261
- null check on select field profile by @wwelling in #1263
- fixed spelling on submission choose organization button by @cstarcher in #1268
- Sprint tcdl staging by @wwelling in #1262
- Sprint posttcdl 1236 metadata keys by @smutniak in #1284
- Sprint posttcdl 1190 dcdateissued graduationsemester by @smutniak in #1283
- jar and war deploy delimiter fix in pom.xml and application.xml - als… by @smutniak in #1281
- 3rd sticky note on file upload removed per issue 889 request by @smutniak in #1280
- change date presentation from abbreviated to full as in December 2019… by @smutniak in #1286
- Sprint posttcdl staging by @jcreel in #1290
- Additional test improvements by @kaladay in #1287
- Changed defence date metadata key by @rladdusaw in #1292
- Made controller endpoint transactional by @rladdusaw in #1291
- E-mail forms (comment and comment/batch) should only add e-mail once by @kaladay in #1293
- upgrade tika to 121 at the suggestion of security warning by @smutniak in #1311
- Sprint july release fix exporters to render multiple advisors by @smutniak in #1298
- Sprint july release 1200 remove all degrees by @cstarcher in #1309
- Sprint july release 1273 email once andthen1231 andthen1305 by @smutniak in #1312
- Sprint july release 1273 email once andthen1231 by @smutniak in #1308
- Sprint july release 840 update readme by @rladdusaw in #1304
- removed prefixes meant for another format and suffixes except primary… by @smutniak in #1302
- update accounts generation to separate student/reviewer/manager from … by @smutniak in #1315
- change comment line in template to reflect true source of a value for… by @smutniak in #1321
- Sprint july release staging by @smutniak in #1322
- added gpl2 and notice of license and added the files by @smutniak in #1323
- 4.0.x by @smutniak in #1324
- pom update version 4.0.0-RC by @smutniak in #1326
New Contributors
- @karenruth73 made their first contribution in #508
- @waffle-iron made their first contribution in #743
- @alterdego made their first contribution in #1180
Full Changelog: v3.0.6...v4.0.0-RC