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Scott McCreary edited this page Apr 12, 2017 · 2 revisions


Programming Tasks

  • Serial Communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduinos using USB cable

  • Arduino program to run resonator LED strings

  • Arduino program to run portal core LED strings

  • Arduino to control "other" effects such as smoke and other prop features

  • Raspberry Pi to read JSON from Tecthulhu - Current information appears to point towards the JSon data comming from an Audrino YUN module. The YUN module is capable of standing up a WiFi Acess Point. This leads to two possibilities for the JSon data feed, one being serial the other being TCP/IP HTTP over Wifi. Given the warnings about not physically connecting to the Techthulu, not breaking open boxes and the weather proofing the smart money seems to be on standard Wifi TCP/IP using HTTP, or a low level UTF8 line delimited JSon on a specific socket. The Pi based software will run on the Debian ARM Pi OS. One change (Karl Mutch) proposed is to use (Google C like compiled language) Go over Python driven by the CPU requirements for the JSon and the serial comms and the slow quad core. Documentation of previous projects that do this include :

  • Raspberry Pi - To send serial commands to the various Arduinos to do their functions

  • Raspberry Pi - Code to play sound effects

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