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🐞 Bug
🐞 Bug
Something is not working
🐞 BugFix
🐞 BugFix
Fixing the bug
📃 Docs
📃 Docs
문서 작성 및 수정 (ex. README)
📈 Enhancment
📈 Enhancment
Improvement for the performance
✨ Feature
✨ Feature
Introduce new feature
🙋‍♂️ Hypothesis
🙋‍♂️ Hypothesis
가설 설정 및 검증
Priority: High
Priority: High
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
Priority: Medium
Priority: Medium
❓ Question
❓ Question
다른 팀원들의 의견을 듣고 싶은 경우
🔨 Refactor
🔨 Refactor
코드의 기능은 유지하면서 구조를 수정하는 경우
⚙ Setting(Utils)
⚙ Setting(Utils)
Setting for workspace
✅ Test
✅ Test
📄 Update
📄 Update
Version Update (Up/Down)