Purpose: Acting as a well-known artist’s/band’s manager, using social media analytics to help improve their popularity.
Technologies used: Rstudio, Gephi, Tableau
Data Collection: Utilized vosonSML, rtweet, Rspotify, and tuber packages in Rstudio to collect all recent data about the artist through Twitter, Spotify, and YouTube API.
Data Manipulation and Analysis: Leveraged tidyverse packages in Rstudio to manipulate the large amount of data collected from social media and extract insights about the artist's work, fan base, and other relevant information.
Network Visualization: Created and visualized actor and semantic networks using Rstudio and Gephi to identify important actors and trending topics related to the artist.
Data Visualization: Utilized ggplot package, adding layers, and customizations to visualize different audio features in every song, along with data of top trending videos on YouTube.
Twitter User Clustering: Employed k-means to find clusters of Twitter users based on their friends and followers counts.
Topic Modeling: Utilized Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for topic modeling of tweet text.
Sentiment Analysis: Performed sentiment analysis on Twitter data using syuzhet package in R to classify tweets according to the sentiment and emotion.
Buidling Decision Tree for ML Model: Used data from the Spotify API to train a decision tree model and evaluate its performance for predicting whether a song is by a certain artist, given the audio features of the song.