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MJRibeiroTUDelft edited this page Sep 26, 2019 · 31 revisions

The OpenAP performance model allows for using different types of aircraft and obtaining the performance results.


  • Aircraft
  • Engines
  • Drag polar
  • Kinematic (WRAP)
  • Navigation


  • prop: aircraft and engine properties
  • thrust: model to compute aircraft thrust
  • drag*: model to compute aircraft drag
  • fuel: model to compute fuel consumption
  • kinematic: a utility library to access WRAP data
  • aero: common aeronautical conversions
  • nav: model to access navigation information
  • segment: a utility library to determine climb, cruise, descent, level flight
  • phase: a wrapper around segment, providing identification of all flight phases
  • traj: package contains a set of tools related with trajectory generation


Get the aircraft and engine data:

from openap import prop

aircraft = prop.aircraft('A320')
engine = prop.engine('CFM56-5B4')

Compute maximum aircraft engine thrust:

from openap import Thrust

thrust = Thrust(ac='A320', eng='CFM56-5B4')

T = thrust.takeoff(tas=100, alt=0)
T = thrust.climb(tas=200, alt=20000, roc=1000)
T =, alt=32000)

Compute the aircraft drag:

from openap import Drag

drag = Drag(ac='A320')

D = drag.clean(mass=60000, tas=200, alt=20000, path_angle=5)
D = drag.nonclean(mass=60000, tas=150, alt=100, flap_angle=20,
                  path_angle=10, landing_gear=True)

Compute the fuel flow:

from openap import FuelFlow

ff = FuelFlow(ac='A320', eng='CFM56-5B4')

FF = ff.at_thrust(thr=50000, alt=30000)
FF = ff.takeoff(tas=100, alt=0, throttle=1)
FF = ff.enroute(mass=60000, tas=200, alt=20000, path_angle=3)
FF = ff.enroute(mass=60000, tas=230, alt=32000, path_angle=0)

Accessing the WRAP parameters:

from openap import WRAP

wrap = WRAP(ac='A320')

param = wrap.takeoff_speed()
param = wrap.takeoff_distance()
param = wrap.takeoff_acceleration()
param = wrap.initclimb_vcas()
param = wrap.initclimb_vs()
param = wrap.climb_range()
param = wrap.climb_const_vcas()
param = wrap.climb_const_mach()
param = wrap.climb_cross_alt_concas()
param = wrap.climb_cross_alt_conmach()
param = wrap.climb_vs_pre_concas()
param = wrap.climb_vs_concas()
param = wrap.climb_vs_conmach()
param = wrap.cruise_range()
param = wrap.cruise_alt()
param = wrap.cruise_init_alt()
param = wrap.cruise_mach()
param = wrap.descent_range()
param = wrap.descent_const_mach()
param = wrap.descent_const_vcas()
param = wrap.descent_cross_alt_conmach()
param = wrap.descent_cross_alt_concas()
param = wrap.descent_vs_conmach()
param = wrap.descent_vs_concas()
param = wrap.descent_vs_post_concas()
param = wrap.finalapp_vcas()
param = wrap.finalapp_vs()
param = wrap.landing_speed()
param = wrap.landing_distance()
param = wrap.landing_acceleration()
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