Implementation for WWW'23 paper: GraphMAE2: A Decoding-Enhanced Masked Self-Supervised
Graph Learner.
[GraphMAE] The predecessor of this work: GraphMAE: Self-Supervised Masked Graph Autoencoders can be found here.
[2023-04-19] We have made checkpoints of pre-trained models on different datasets available - feel free to download them from Google Drive.
- Python >= 3.7
- Pytorch >= 1.9.0
- pyyaml == 5.4.1
For quick start, you could run the scripts:
Node classification
sh <dataset_name> <gpu_id> # for mini batch node classification
# example: sh ogbn-arxiv 0
sh <dataset_name> <gpu_id> # for full batch node classification
# example: sh cora 0
# Or you could run the code manually:
# for mini batch node classification
python --dataset ogbn-arxiv --encoder gat --decoder gat --seed 0 --device 0
# for full batch node classification
python --dataset cora --encoder gat --decoder gat --seed 0 --device 0
Supported datasets:
- mini batch node classification:
- full batch node classification:
Run the scripts provided or add --use_cfg
in command to reproduce the reported results.
For Large scale graphs
Before starting mini-batch training, you'll need to generate local clusters if you want to use local-clustering for training. By default, the program will load dataset from ./data
and save the generated local clusters to ./lc_ego_graphs
. To generate a local cluster, you should first install localclustering and then run the following command:
python ./datasets/ --dataset <your_dataset> --data_dir <path_to_data>
And we also provide the pre-generated local clusters which can be downloaded here and then put into lc_ego_graphs
for usage.
During the code's execution, the OGB and small-scale datasets (Cora, Citeseer, and PubMed) will be downloaded automatically. For the MAG-SCHOLAR dataset, you can download the raw data from here or use our processed version, which can be found here (the four feature files have to be merged in to a feature_f.npy
). Once you have the dataset, place it into the ./data/mag_scholar_f
folder for later usage. The folder should contain the following files:
- mag_scholar_f
|--- edge_index_f.npy
|--- feature_f.npy
|--- label_f.npy
Soon, we will provide SAINTSampler as the baseline.
Experimental results of node classification on large-scale datasets (Accuracy, %):
Ogbn-arxiv | Ogbn-products | Mag-Scholar-F | Ogbn-papers100M | |
MLP | 55.50±0.23 | 61.06±0.08 | 39.11±0.21 | 47.24±0.31 |
SGC | 66.92±0.08 | 74.87±0.25 | 54.68±0.23 | 63.29±0.19 |
Random-Init | 68.14±0.02 | 74.04±0.06 | 56.57±0.03 | 61.55±0.12 |
CCA-SSG | 68.57±0.02 | 75.27±0.05 | 51.55±0.03 | 55.67±0.15 |
GRACE | 69.34±0.01 | 79.47±0.59 | 57.39±0.02 | 61.21±0.12 |
BGRL | 70.51±0.03 | 78.59±0.02 | 57.57±0.01 | 62.18±0.15 |
GGD | - | 75.70±0.40 | - | 63.50±0.50 |
GraphMAE | 71.03±0.02 | 78.89±0.01 | 58.75±0.03 | 62.54±0.09 |
GraphMAE2 | 71.89±0.03 | 81.59±0.02 | 59.24±0.01 | 64.89±0.04 |
If you find this work is helpful to your research, please consider citing our paper:
title={GraphMAE2: A Decoding-Enhanced Masked Self-Supervised Graph Learner},
author={Zhenyu Hou, Yufei He, Yukuo Cen, Xiao Liu, Yuxiao Dong, Evgeny Kharlamov, Jie Tang},
booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (WWW’23)},