Here, we present part of the experimental codes in the paper Learning to Detect Malicious Clients for Robust Federated Learning. The codes presented here correspond to the experiments on the MNIST dataset.
Our experiments were run on AWS EC2 GPU instances (type p2.xlarge). We use Python 3.6 and the required packages are listed as follows.
- PyTorch 1.4.0
- torchvision 0.5.0
- scikit-learn 0.21.3
- skimage 0.15.0
- numpy 1.17.2
- scipy 1.3.1
- matplotlib 3.1.1
- pandas 0.25.1
- hdmedians 0.13
Please also download the detection model of the MNIST dataset from the anonymous link:
We also provide a ./requirements.txt file for your reference.
We provide command for each experimental case. All intermediate results are printed and redirected to a file.
These commands shall be run in ./src/ directory.
===With Vanilla FedAvg Method===
Case (No attack): nohup python -u > nohup_mnist_no_attack_fedavg.log 2>&1 &
Case (Sign-flipping attack, attacker ratio 0.3): nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.3 --attack_mode="sign" > nohup_mnist_signflipping0.3_fedavg.log 2>&1 &
Case (Sign-flipping attack, attacker ratio 0.5): nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.5 --attack_mode="sign" > nohup_mnist_signflipping0.3_fedavg.log 2>&1 &
Case (Additive attack, attacker ratio 0.3): nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.3 --attack_mode="noise" > nohup_mnist_noise0.3_fedavg.log 2>&1 &
Case (Additive attack, attacker ratio 0.5): nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.5 --attack_mode="noise" > nohup_mnist_noise0.5_fedavg.log 2>&1 &
Case (Targeted attack): nohup python -u > nohup_mnist_targeted_fedavg.log 2>&1 &
===With GeoMed Method===
Case (No attack) nohup python -u --aggregation="GeoMed" > nohup_mnist_no_attack_GeoMed.log 2>&1 &
Case (Sign-flipping attack, attacker ratio 0.3): nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.3 --attack_mode="sign" --aggregation="GeoMed" > nohup_mnist_sign0.3_GeoMed.log 2>&1 &
Case (Sign-flipping attack, attacker ratio 0.5) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.5 --attack_mode="sign" --aggregation="GeoMed" > nohup_mnist_sign0.5_GeoMed.log 2>&1 &
Case (Additive noise attack, attacker ratio 0.3) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.3 --attack_mode="noise" --aggregation="GeoMed" > nohup_mnist_noise0.3_GeoMed.log 2>&1 &
Case (Additive noise attack, attacker ratio 0.5) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.5 --attack_mode="noise" --aggregation="GeoMed" > nohup_mnist_noise0.5_GeoMed.log 2>&1 &
Case (Targeted attack) nohup python -u --aggregation="GeoMed" > nohup_mnist_targeted_GeoMed.log 2>&1 &
===With Krum Method===
Case (No attack) nohup python -u --aggregation="Krum" > nohup_mnist_no_attack_Krum.log 2>&1 &
Case (Sign-flipping attack, attacker ratio 0.3) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.3 --attack_mode="sign" --aggregation="Krum" > nohup_mnist_sign0.3_Krum.log 2>&1 &
Case (Sign-flipping attack, attacker ratio 0.5) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.5 --attack_mode="sign" --aggregation="Krum" > nohup_mnist_sign0.5_Krum.log 2>&1 &
Case (Additive noise attack, attacker ratio 0.3) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.3 --attack_mode="noise" --aggregation="Krum" > nohup_mnist_noise0.3_Krum.log 2>&1 &
Case (Additive noise attack, attacker ratio 0.5) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.5 --attack_mode="noise" --aggregation="Krum" > nohup_mnist_noise0.5_Krum.log 2>&1 &
Case (Targeted attack) nohup python -u --aggregation="Krum" > nohup_mnist_targeted_Krum.log 2>&1 &
===With Our Method===
Case (No attack) nohup python -u --aggregation="atten" --vae_model="" > nohup_mnist_no_attack_ours.log 2>&1 &
Case (Sign-flipping attack, attacker ratio 0.3) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.3 --attack_mode="sign" --aggregation="atten" --vae_model="" > nohup_mnist_sign0.3_ours.log 2>&1 &
Case (Sign-flipping attack, attacker ratio 0.5) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.5 --attack_mode="sign" --aggregation="atten" --vae_model="" > nohup_mnist_sign0.5_ours.log 2>&1 &
Case (Additive noise attack, attacker ratio 0.3) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.3 --attack_mode="noise" --aggregation="atten" --vae_model="" > nohup_mnist_noise0.3_ours.log 2>&1 &
Case (Additive noise attack, attacker ratio 0.5) nohup python -u --attack_ratio 0.5 --attack_mode="noise" --aggregation="atten" --vae_model="" > nohup_mnist_noise0.5_ours.log 2>&1 &
Case (Targeted attack) nohup python -u --aggregation="atten" --vae_model="" > nohup_mnist_targeted_ours.log 2>&1 &
Codes at current version are not organized very well. Therefore, we provide additional explanation of each file for your reference.
./src/ implement different defense methods, such as GeoMed, Krum and ours.
./src/ implement untargarted attacks, including sign-flipping and additive noise
./src/ this script is for LR model on MNIST dataset. With different options, we obtain experimental results of LR model with untargeted attack.
./src/ this script is for LR model on MNIST dataset. With different options, we obtain experimental results of LR model with targeted attack.
./src/util/ implement sampling functions on MNIST dataset to generate non-iid data.
./src/models/ implement vanilla FedAvg algorithm here.
./src/models/ implement our logistic regression model and neural models here.
./src/models/ implement functions by which clients update their models here.
./src/models/ implement functions by which we obtain model performance on testing set.
./src/models/ trained detection model for MNIST experiment. (should be downloaded)