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forked from oeg-upm/ya2ro

Python package designed to create Research Objects out of simple YAML files. Given the dataset dois, source code links and author DOIs, ya2ro will generate an HTML representation of the aggregated contents, as well as an RO-Crate with the machine-readable representation of the Research Object


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DOI Project Status: Active: The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.



To run ya2ro, please follow the next steps:

Install from PyPI

pip install ya2ro

Install from GitHub

git clone
cd ya2ro
pip install -e .

Installing through Docker

We provide a Dockerfile with ya2ro already installed. To run through Docker, you may build the Dockerfile provided in the repository by running:

docker build -t ya2ro .

Then, to run your image just type:

docker run -it ya2ro /bin/bash

And you will be ready to use ya2ro (see section below). If you want to have access to the results we recommend mounting a volume. For example, the following command will mount the current directory as the out folder in the Docker image:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/:/out ya2ro /bin/bash

If you move any files produced by ya2ro into /out, then you will be able to see them in your current directory.



Before running ya2ro, you must configure it appropriately. Please add your personal token in ya2ro properties file.
--> ~/ya2ro/src/ya2ro/resources/properties.yaml <--

Add a line like the following:

# Add here your GitHub personal access token
GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

ya2ro will continue working if not configured, but is highly recommended to apply this setting.

Test ya2ro installation

ya2ro --help

If everything goes fine, you should see:

                       d8"     "88
8b       d8 ,adPPYYba,      ,d8P"  8b,dPPYba,  ,adPPYba,
`8b     d8' ""     `Y8    a8P"     88P'   "Y8 a8"     "8a
 `8b   d8'  ,adPPPPP88  a8P'       88         8b       d8
  `8b,d8'   88,    ,88 d8"         88         "8a,   ,a8"
    Y88'    `"8bbdP"Y8 88888888888 88          `"YbbdP"'

usage: ya2ro [-h] (-i YAML_PATH | -l YA2RO_PREV_OUTPUT) [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-p PROPERTIES_FILE] [-ns]

Human and machine readable input as a yaml file and create RO-Object in jsonld and/or HTML view. Run 'ya2ro -configure GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN' this the first time to configure ya2ro

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i YAML_PATH, --input YAML_PATH
                        Path of the required yaml input. Follow the documentation or the example given to see the structure of the file.
  -l YA2RO_PREV_OUTPUT, --landing_page YA2RO_PREV_OUTPUT
                        Path of a previous output folder using the ya2ro tool. This flag will make a landing page to make all the resources accessible.
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_directory OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory.
                        Properties file name.
  -ns, --no_somef       Disable SOMEF for a faster execution (software cards will not work).

How to use

The first thing to do is create some input for ya2ro. To create valid a yaml you should follow the documentation bellow.

Create a yaml from scratch or use one of the supplied templates. Currently ya2ro supports two formats:

  • paper
  • project

Please find a template for each type under the directory templates. Once you have a valid yaml (project or paper) is time to run ya2ro.

Create machine and human readable content

It is possible to process batches of yamls at the same time, to do that just specify as input a folder with all the yamls inside.

Simple execution

ya2ro -i templates

ya2ro -i templates/project_template.yaml

With optional arguments

ya2ro -input templates --output_directory out --properties_file custom_properties.yaml

ya2ro -i templates -o out -p custom_properties.yaml

Faster execution?

Use the flag --no_somef or -ns for disabling SOMEF which is the most time consuming process.

ya2ro -i templates -ns

WARNING: Software cards will no longer work on github links. Therefore you will need to manually insert the software data in the yaml file.

Create landing page

ya2ro offers the option to create a landing page where all the resources produced are easily accessible. Just indicate the folder where this resources are, for example:

ya2ro -l output


Python package designed to create Research Objects out of simple YAML files. Given the dataset dois, source code links and author DOIs, ya2ro will generate an HTML representation of the aggregated contents, as well as an RO-Crate with the machine-readable representation of the Research Object







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  • HTML 86.5%
  • Python 13.5%