Simple wrappers around three.js components using Backbone.Marionette
It provides a couple useful things for using three.js inside your backbone app.
##How to use it
marionette-threejs can be used either as an AMD module or inside a regular script tag. It obviously depends on Backbone and three.js to work (check bower.json for exact version numbers), so make sure those are included. Use marionette-threejs.js
for an unoptimized build that is easier to debug, or marionette-threejs.min.js
for an optimized / minified version.
An example of basic usage of marionette-threejs can be found below.
###Example ###Example source code
In lieu of formal documentation, the source code has been hevily annotated so you can easily figure out what is going on:
Assuming you've already run npm i && bower i
, pretty much just run grunt
and leave it running. I've got plugins configured to do the following:
- Make the normal and minified builds (using preprocess and uglify)
- Generate the html for the annotated source code (using docco)
- Redo all this stuff if any source files change (using grunt watch)