- Vastly improved canvas navigation performance for graphs with many nodes.
- Optimized sidebar drag performance, especially for large numbers of items.
Improvements + What's New
- Introduced spring converter patch nodes for improved spring animation customization.
- Use TAB and SHIFT+TAB to move between eligible nodes during edge hover edit mode.
- Introduced additional shortcuts for creating specific patch nodes, e.g. "OPTION +" and "OPTION -" for Add and Subtract nodes.
- Added the ability to group and ungroup nodes with CMD+G and CMD+Delete shortcuts.
- Improved node menu accessibility by allowing menu to display over inspector view.
- Tapping node body now defocuses focused fields.
- Adjusted padding and margins of layer inspector on iPad.
- Use lighter background for thumbnail when prototype uses dark background.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where edges wouldn’t appear for new Math Expression node inputs.
- Resolved issue where newly duplicated nodes were not staggered correctly on the canvas.
- Fixed disappearing layers when grouping nested sidebar items.
- Corrected issue where nodes in a group couldn’t be selected after being grouped.
- Fixed project title editing on Catalyst.
- Support shadows on layer groups with non-clear backgrounds.
- Math Expression node formula no longer treats numbers as variables.
- Layer Info patch node now properly supports loops.