A little command line tool to figure out what day to get the train abo.
php trainabo.php
This lists the number of working days from today up to 14 days from today.
php trainabo.php 2016-04-01
This lists the number of working days from April 1st up to April 14th.
php trainabo.php 2016-04-01 -e 4
This lists the number of working days from April 1st up to April 4th.
php trainabo.php 2016-04-01 -e 4 -d holidays_example.csv
This lists the number of working days from April 1st up to April 4th.
And it excludes any dates found in the file holidays_example.csv
./treinabo.php 2016-04-01 -p 142 -c 9 -d holidays_example.csv
This lists the number of working days from April 1st up to April 14th.
And it excludes any dates found in the file holidays_example.csv
It shows the total costs per starting-day and whether or not it is cheaper
to buy the subscription.