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TTY Framework

SkyAlumny edited this page Nov 19, 2023 · 1 revision

TTY Framework

TTy Framework is just a File with many events to call instant off writing a few lines more. So basiclly a list off events to call if you are to lazy to write.

If you are not a complete idiot you should be able to see what the events do. Since this project should be here for people who cant code i will stilly explain it:

Color Events

We have some stuff at the namespace tty and class framework to call. That includes some events to change the text color. Here is a Full list:


GreenText() | Sets Text to Green
RedText() |  Sets Text to Red
BlueText() | Sets Text to Blue
YellowText() |  Sets Text to Yellow
InvisibleText() | Sets the Background Color and Text color to Black so you cant see the text that is going to be printed (Perfect if you want to hide that you are using amidwin
ResetText() |  Sets it back to the default console color.


//Result: The Hey is going to be yellow and printed with the writing animtion.

Huge Text

We have some cool screen you can create with that


Error() | 1 Argument Type: String | Shows a Huge Error Text with informations bellow
Success() | 1 Argument Type: String | Shows a Huge Success Text with informations bellow
LogoText() | | Shows the Logo huge Text you have set at Settings
SpoofText() | | Shows the Spoof Text you have been set at Settings

All off them have the color set at the function so if you want to change the color for some text change it at the function


if ("Hey" == "Hey")
   tty.framework.Success("Hey is hey);
   tty.framework.Error("Hey is not Hey);

Since iam getting lazy here

print() has a string arugment call that if you want to console write text but with cool informations else just use Console.WriteLine like normal

and GenerateRandomString just returns a string off random numbers and characters depending on how much you gave it to generate at the int arguement

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