This is the files that could be used to analyze thermal images for thresholding based internal damage detection. The dataset could be made available upon request. Here is a short description of the list of files.
This script is used to follow damage progresstion process on the blade after detecting blade locations. It is the main script to call for controlled experiments on real blades.
Simpler version of the detect_damages_thermal.m with less figures to be plot and gets the plot data out.
Dynamic script to read the videos of specimen and process and generate corresponding results.
Reads flies by files to read the videos of specimen and process and generate corresponding results.
This is the function to detect the blade edges and also threshold the damages on top of the blade.
This is a simpler version of the test.m to only detect the damages by thresholding on the specimen
To draw a rectangle as specified in the input on the image
polyplot plots a polynomial fit to scattered x,y data. This function can be used to easily add a linear trend line or other polynomial fit to a data plot.
It is a unique color map for plotting developed by Biomedical Engineering Group (University of Valladolid), Spain
Here is an example result after processing.