For my second project with General Assembly, I built a web application using ReactJS and a third party public API of my choice.
Weekend Away is a website that allows the user to browse a list of UK restaurants by city. Providing details of the restaurant, including name and address. A user can also add restaurants to the list.
To access and run the code for this project, follow these steps:
- Download or clone the project repository from GitHub. You can do this by clicking on the green "Code" button and selecting "Download ZIP" to download a zipped version of the code, or by copying the repository URL and running git clone in your terminal.
- Once you have the code downloaded or cloned, open the project folder in your code editor of choice.
- Open the index.html file in your web browser to view the project.
5 days - solo project
- React
- Fetch
- Bootstrap
- Postman
- Wyre Data API
Select a Project Idea of your own. But the user must be able to:
- Add a new item to a list.
- Mark the item as complete/favourite/(watch, read, listen) later/flag/etc.
- Edit an item from a list.
- Remove an item from a list.
- Clear/delete all items.
- Clear/delete only marked items.
- Fetch data from at least one 3rd party API using Axios or fetch.
- Make frequent Git commits with descriptive messages, explaining your commit.
I signed up for a free 30-day trial for the Balsamiq wireframing tool. I wanted to create a user-friendly page with a simple search box at the top and an area underneath to list the results. I also planned to use icons to allow the user to save restaurants into their favourites page.
I searched the web looking for a clean, easy-to-use api, one that would be rich with data and reliable. Wyre Data API appeared to fit the bill, with hundreds of UK restaurants listed.
To structure my React app, I created a notes.txt file where I planned out the components, props, and state.
- The main container component is App.js, which includes the Search component and the ListContainer component for displaying items.
- The ListContainer component renders the ListItems components based on the props passed down from the App.js level.
- The App.js level also manages the search functionality by passing down the search value as state to the ListContainer component, which then filters the list of restaurants accordingly.
- Finally, the Search component allows the user to input their search query, which is also managed at the App.js level.
- I began by creating a .env file for the API key and adding that to git ignore.
- I then created a components folder based on my planning and pseudocoding.
I styled the search form with React Bootstrap, which prompted the user to enter the city they are looking to search:
Using the city that the user has typed in, the fetch process is then run to get the data from the API:
Again, using React Bootstrap, I then created a table for the mapped data output:
I also created functionality to allow the user to add a restaurant to the list:
Within the timeframe, I could not fix the remove button for the restaurants returned from the API. Each restaurant has an ID, and I included the id in the functionality, I was unable to determine why the id was not matching up with the restaurant. I plan to revisit and do more testing, possibly through Postman and researching other test methods, in order to get to the root of the issue.
- I am proud to have met the MVP for my first React project.
- Using Postman helped me to better understand the structure of the API and how to properly manipulate the data to achieve my desired functionality.
- Gaining experience with styling and layout design using Bootstrap.
- The creation of the table was incredibly satisfying to build as it was one of the bigger challenges that I faced when rendering the API information into a clear and concise table format.
- I would like to practise with other API's, particularly ones that return more information to work with, for example, images.
- Using Postman to test API requests to ensure that the data was properly retrieved before integrating it into my React app.
- This was my first time working with React and understanding the difference between props and state and how to use them appropriately in React components.
- I gained experience with state management and learned how to update state using the setState() method.
- This was also my first time working with Bootstrap. The Bootstrap documentation helped to guide me on the use of Bootstrap classes for styling the elements and components.
- I also learned how to incorporate Bootstrap components into React components.
- At present, the loading message only appears at the start, I will revisit so that the message appears while waiting for search results.
- I will add functionality to deactivate the 'Add Restaurant' button until after the user has completed their search.
- The user input should clear after they have pressed search.
- As mentioned in challenges, I would like to remove individual restaurants from the API search, when pressed it removes them all because of the issue.
- At present, I have added a favourite button next to listed restaurants. I would like to add functionality so that it updates the ‘favourite list’ at the top of the page.
- When the user clicks on their ‘favourite list’ I would like for them to be able to view the list of their favourite restaurants.
- I would also like to add Bootstraps image carousel for a more visually appealing user interface.