Project management with that great wobbly taste.
user has many boards
- userid
- username
- password
- email?
PROFILE table(?) -->
user can have many boards
BOARD table
- board id
- user id (that board belongs to)
- board name
LIST table
- list id
- list title
- list description
- board id as foriegn key(that it belongs to)
CARD table
- card id
- list id as foriegn key(that it belongs to)
- description
- priority
- completed at: date (to act as status (completed/not completed))
CARD/USER join table (cards can have many users & vice versa)
- card id
- userID
- activity id
- card id as foreign key
- user id as foreign key
- description(?)
- date
types of activites to log
- editing title/description
- adding members
- marking as complete/incomplete
- editing priority value