Content Management System for TSI Course
To install TSICMS locally follow these instructions:
First you need to install the follow packages
nodejs libpq-dev postgresql postgresql-contrib imagemagick
Its necessary to install the Bundler and the Rails gems
gem install bundler gem install rails
Clone the project
Clone the project repository using the command
git clone [email protected]:TSIDW5/tsicms.git
cd tsicms
Install dependencies
bundle install
Set up postgres password
cp config/application.yml.example config/application.yml
In this file change postgres username and password and host
database: &database db.username: postgres db.password: postgres localhost
After change mailer host and port
mailer: &mailer localhost mailer.port: '3000'
Create the database and the tables
$ rails db:create $ rails db:migrate $ rails db:seed
Populate the application
$ rails db:populate
Run the application
$ rails s
Access the public namespace url http://localhost:3000
Access the url admin namespace http://localhost:3000/admins
We hope that you will consider contributing to TSICMS.
First perform the fork of the
Access your profile Find repository TSICMS
Run git clone
cd tsicms
git remote add upstream
Now we have two repositories on disk:
- o origin, which points to your project fork on GitHub. You have read and write access on this remote.
- o upstream, which points to the main project repository in GitHub. You only have read access on this remote.
Go to the master branch
git checkout master
Update the two repositories
git pull upstream master && git push origin master
Create your branch to develop your contributions, define a name that reminds you of what you are eveloping.
git checkout -b name-your-branch
Run the test and ensure that all test are green. We just accpeted functionaly, bug fix, etc. with its respective test.
Bundle exec rspec
- Prerequisites
docker docker-compose
- How to Use
- Run
docker-compose up -d
- Run
docker exec -it web5_app /bin/bash
- Run
cd /var/www
Set up postgres password
cp config/application.yml.example config/application.yml
In this file change postgres username and password and host
database: &database db.username: postgres db.password: postgres db
After finishing developing you need to submit a request for your contribution to be added to the main repository, for this we use the pull request.
First add your changes
git add .
First commit your changes, put a message to define what was done
git commit -m "Your message"
Update your repository from upstream
$ git checkout master $ git pull upstream master $ git checkout name-your-branch $ git rebase master
Send your changes to your repository
git push -u origin name-your-branch
The command creates a branch in your project / fork in GitHub. The -u flag binds this branch to its remote; so in the future, you can simply type git push origin.
Go back to the browser and access your project's fork ( and you'll see that your new branch is listed at the top with a convenient "Compare & pull request"
After clicking on "Compare & pull request" you can send a comment about your pull request
If this is done, wait until the administrator of the source repository accepts or refuses, if you refuse to remember to always get the messages that will come along with the refusal, they will always be present in the reasons for the refusal.
SGE is covered MIT License.