The scripts/commands are in the respectively named folders and can be executed in a conda environment using specified packages. The basic chronology to be adopted for generating results is :
- Correction & Scaffolding of the de novo assemblies.
- Using Bandage software to visualize the de novo assemblies.
- Using scaffolded assemblies to create databases for BLASTN.
- Performing BLASTN using the LoxP sites as queries.
- Filtering the result dataframes according to similarity % & assigning rearrangement events.
- Using QUAST tool and generating MultiQC report.
- Creating plots with LoxP rearrangements represented as coloured triangles.
- Creating Circos-style plot to depict the rearrangement events in all the yeast genomes in the project.
- Performing multiple sequence alignment using "Mugsy" and viewing results in Jalview Software.