OSTIS-geography is an open-source knowledge base for geographical system for Open Semantic Technology for Intelligent Systems. System includes OpenStreetMap support to display geographical objects.
Clone the project
git clone -c core.longpaths=true -c core.autocrlf=true https://github.com/ostis-apps/ostis-geography
cd ostis-geography
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd scripts
If you are using the Docker version, just put your scs files in the "kb" folder and restart.
For Linux:
cd scripts
Run in Docker:
docker-compose up
Run on Linux:
#Terminal 1
cd scripts
#Terminal 2
cd scripts
#Terminal 3
cd scripts
Then open localhost:8000 in your browser.
You can open localhost:8090 in your browser as well to see the new web interface version.
- Add understandable title to the Pull Request which covers all changes in this Pull Request;
- Also, you can write this information inside Pull request;
- Don't forget about newline at the end of the file;
- Not necessary, but we will appreciate if you clean your commit history.
The place for the knowledge base of your app. Put your .scs files here.
The place for the problem solver of your app. Put your agents here.
Some tips:
- Store your modules with C++ agents in problem-solver/cxx;
- After updating your C++ code you need to rebuild problem-solver. Just run:
cd scripts
For a full rebuild with the deleting of the bin and build folders run:
cd scripts
./build_problem_solver.sh -f
and run:
cd scripts
Some tips:
- Store your modules with Python agents in problem-solver/py;
- You can see example modules using Python here.
- After updating your C++ code you need to rebuild problem-solver. Just run:
cd scripts