The "Dijkstra-using-Heap" is a WPF application designed for efficient pathfinding in graphs using Dijkstra's algorithm with a Heap data structure. This application provides a user-friendly interface for visualizing and navigating .
- Graph Visualization : The application allows users to create, edit, and visualize graphs directly on the WPF canvas. Nodes represent locations, and edges represent connections between them.
- Dijkstra's Algorithm : The core of the application is powered by Dijkstra's algorithm, a renowned pathfinding algorithm. Users can initiate the algorithm to find the shortest path between two selected nodes in the graph.
- Heap Data Structure : To optimize the performance of Dijkstra's algorithm, the application employs a Heap data structure for efficient priority queue management. This ensures faster retrieval of the nodes with the minimum distance during the algorithm's execution.
- User Interaction : Users can interact with the graph by adding nodes and edges or removing edges. They can also modify the weights of edges to simulate different scenarios. The application provides an intuitive interface for these operations.