Added screen rotation when changing world sides
Moved health bar to the center
Improved a lot of textures, they are now more seamless
Improved the Power system, wires now light up
Stars have been dimmed down, added colors and slight blinking
Using a config file instead of registry
Default render distance is now 128
Rescaled non-32x textures to 32x
Fixed gravity problems
Fixed wrong sun position
Fixed sound
Fixed light issues
Fixed bad death screen and death not being saved
Fixed black screen and visual glitches
Direct rendering is now the default on windows
It is recommended to temporarily disable FreeSync if you use the Buffered mode
Internal changes
Enormous optimizations
Removed concurrent data structures
Engine is now on the render thread instead of input thread
More efficient hidden surface elimination
More efficient sky light updates
Optimized lights
Optimized stars
Optimized water
Optimized world storage, now fixed 300x300x300 max.
Optimized gradient calculation
Optimized texture rendering
Load balancing across cores
Decreased memory footprint of a block
More efficient vector math
Replaced Java Stream API with custom ForkJoinPool
Entity Component System instead of inheritance
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