Our project focuses on developing a personalized AI-driven platform for anxiety management. I forked starter code from an earlier repo (https://github.com/mafda/ml_with_fastapi_and_streamlit)
- Overview of the Project
- Why Streamlit?
- System Architecture
- Setting Up the Project
- Outcome & Screenshots
- Final Thoughts
- Tools Used
The main goal of this platform is to provide a tailored approach to anxiety management by leveraging the power of AI. Using Streamlit for interface design, OpenAI and SQLite for backend services, we aim to provide therapists and patients a tool that is both engaging and effective.
Streamlit is a user-friendly Python framework, allowing for the creation of interactive dashboards and web apps without requiring extensive web development experience. Given its compatibility with various ML and visualization libraries, it's an ideal choice for this project.
- Start by cloning this repository:
(base)$: git clone https://github.com/Sahanave/wwcode_hackathon2023_anxiety_management_tool.git
(base)$: cd wwcode_hackathon2023_anxiety_management_tool
(base)$: conda create -n ai-tool-testing python=3.8
(base)$:conda activate ai-tool-testing
(ai-tool-testing)$: pip install -r requirements.txt
(ai-tool-testing)$: streamlit run app.py
- Access the interface at http://localhost:8501