- Flutter
- MongoDB
- ExpressJS
- NodeJS
Application link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nyGc_kSH6HQNpuxVtrGIKahH_vNBdcqM/view?usp=sharing
- GetX for statemanagement
- http to send & receive request with BE
- SharedPrefs to store information of client's device.
Authentication(Login,Sign up and Forgot Password)
Automatic login once the user is logged in once and the saved Authentication token is valid.
Log out (by deleting all the user information saved on the device)
Create and Delete Posts(must include text & images or gifs is optional) and display posts with their timestamps.
Create a reply and delete it.
Follow and unfollow users and the feed will display posts accordingly.
Home page in which we fetch our feed posts and display them from the newest to oldest.
Search for users using parts of bits of their usernames.
Update user's profile (bio,password and image)
Suggest users to follow for our current user.