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Fix Missing Gradle settings
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Signed-off-by: Luca Pezzoni <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
PezzoniL committed Jul 24, 2024
1 parent ffd5915 commit 8f3c594
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Showing 6 changed files with 242 additions and 220 deletions.
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions gradle/libs.versions.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# Copyright (c) 2022(-0001) STMicroelectronics.
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in
# the root directory of this software component.
# If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
# @pin
accompanist = "0.34.0"
androidGradlePlugin = "8.5.1"
# @pin
androidxComposeBom = "2024.06.00"
androidxEspresso = "3.6.0-rc01"
androidxHiltNavigationCompose = "1.2.0"
# @pin
androidxLifecycle = "2.8.3"
androidxNavigation = "2.7.7"
androidxRoom = "2.6.1"
apacheCommons = "3.11.1"
appauth = "0.11.1"
benManes = "0.51.0"
hilt = "2.51.1"
jwt = "2.0.2"
# @pin
kotlin = "2.0.0"
kotlinxSerializationJson = "1.7.1"
# @pin
ksp = "2.0.0-1.0.22"
littlerobots = "0.8.4"
material2 = "1.12.0"
okhttp = "4.12.0"
retrofit = "2.11.0"
retrofitKotlinxSerializationJson = "1.0.0"

accompanist-flowlayout = { module = "", version.ref = "accompanist" }
accompanist-permissions = { module = "", version.ref = "accompanist" }
accompanist-systemuicontroller = { module = "", version.ref = "accompanist" }
androidx-compose-bom = { module = "androidx.compose:compose-bom", version.ref = "androidxComposeBom" }
androidx-compose-foundation = { module = "" }
androidx-compose-foundationLayout = { module = "" }
androidx-material2 = { module = "", version.ref = "material2" }
androidx-compose-material2 = { module = "androidx.compose.material:material" }
androidx-compose-material3 = { module = "androidx.compose.material3:material3" }
androidx-compose-materialiconsextended = { module = "androidx.compose.material:material-icons-extended" }
androidx-compose-runtime = { module = "androidx.compose.runtime:runtime" }
androidx-compose-ui = { module = "androidx.compose.ui:ui" }
androidx-compose-uitestmanifest = { module = "androidx.compose.ui:ui-test-manifest" }
androidx-compose-uitooling = { module = "androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling" }
androidx-compose-uitoolingpreview = { module = "androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling-preview" }
androidx-compose-uiutil = { module = "androidx.compose.ui:ui-util" }
androidx-hilt-navigationcompose = { module = "androidx.hilt:hilt-navigation-compose", version.ref = "androidxHiltNavigationCompose" }
androidx-lifecycle-runtimecompose = { module = "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-compose", version.ref = "androidxLifecycle" }
androidx-lifecycle-viewmodelcompose = { module = "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose", version.ref = "androidxLifecycle" }
androidx-navigation-compose = { module = "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose", version.ref = "androidxNavigation" }
androidx-room-compiler = { module = "", version.ref = "androidxRoom" }
androidx-room-ktx = { module = "", version.ref = "androidxRoom" }
androidx-room-runtime = { module = "", version.ref = "androidxRoom" }
apache-commons = { module = "commons-net:commons-net", version.ref = "apacheCommons" }
auth0-jwtdecode = { module = "", version.ref = "jwt" }
hilt-android = { module = "", version.ref = "hilt" }
hilt-compiler = { module = "", version.ref = "hilt" }
kotlinx-serializationjson = { module = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json", version.ref = "kotlinxSerializationJson" }
okhttp-logging = { module = "com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor", version.ref = "okhttp" }
openid-appauth = { module = "net.openid:appauth", version.ref = "appauth" }
retrofit-core = { module = "com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit", version.ref = "retrofit" }
retrofit-kotlinserialization = { module = "com.jakewharton.retrofit:retrofit2-kotlinx-serialization-converter", version.ref = "retrofitKotlinxSerializationJson" }

accompanist = [
compose = [
composeUiTooling = [
network = [
room = [

androidApplication = { id = "", version.ref = "androidGradlePlugin" }
androidLibrary = { id = "", version.ref = "androidGradlePlugin" }
benManes = { id = "com.github.ben-manes.versions", version.ref = "benManes" }
composeCompiler = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose", version.ref = "kotlin" }
hilt = { id = "", version.ref = "hilt" }
kotlinAndroid = { id = "", version.ref = "kotlin" }
kotlinSerialization = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization", version.ref = "kotlin" }
ksp = { id = "", version.ref = "ksp" }
littlerobots = { id = "nl.littlerobots.version-catalog-update", version.ref = "littlerobots" }
Binary file added gradle/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
Binary file not shown.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions gradle/wrapper/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#Thu Aug 03 14:09:11 CEST 2023

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