All in one solution to failover AlwaysOn Availability Groups in SQL Server.
Functions to run comprehensive health checks, failover availability groups, set AG replicas to sync / async modes. Can be combined with the Update-DbaInstance function for a fully automated patching solution.
Requires the SqlServer
Optional: Install dbatools module for patching functionality.
This solution is built to be flexible. Functions can be pieced together to build a fully automated solution. Detailed documentation to core functions can be found here.
Import-Module SqlServer -Force
Import-Module .\src\SQLRoboFailover -Force
Import-Module dbatools -Force
All-in-one function to failover all primary AGs to a sync-commit replica and set all local replicas to async commit.
- Checks general sql health
- Fails over all primary AG's on the server to an available sync-commit replica
- Run post failover checks
- Set all sync-commit AGs on the server to async-commit
- Run health checks to ensure SQL is ready for restarts
Invoke-MakeSQLServerRestartReady -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -RunPostFailoverChecks -ScriptOnly:$false -Confirm
Use dbatools module to patch SQL Server
[bool]$IsSQLServerHealthy = Test-IsSQLServerHealthy -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -Verbose
[bool]$IsRestartReady = Test-IsRestartReady -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -Verbose
if ($IsSQLServerHealthy -and $IsRestartReady) {
$Credential = Get-Credential
Update-DbaInstance -ComputerName <ServerInstance> -Version 2017CU20 -Path "\\\FileShare\Database\UpgradeMedia\SQL2017" -Credential $Credential -Confirm
else {
Write-Output "SQL Server - [$ServerInstance] is NOT ready to patch"
[bool]$IsSQLServerHealthy = Test-IsSQLServerHealthy -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -RunExtendedAGChecks -Verbose
if ($IsSQLServerHealthy){
Set-AllSecondaryAsyncReplicasToSync -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -ForceSingleSyncCopy -ScriptOnly:$false -Confirm
Fail over database to an available sync commit replica
Invoke-FailoverAvailabilityGroup -PrimaryServerInstance <PrimaryServer> -AvailabilityGroup "AG10" -RunPostFailoverChecks -Confirm:$true -ScriptOnly:$false