- Architekt: Nikola, Stellvertreter: Lukas
- User Interface: Judith, Stellvertreter: Daniel
- Tester: Jusuf, Stellvertreter: Timo
- Developer: Daniel, Lukas, Stellvertreter: Jusuf
- Dokumentation: Timo, Stellvertreter: Judith
View only URL: https://lucid.app/lucidchart/invitations/accept/inv_1032feb7-2cf5-4dc7-a00b-1d329816b1a1
TODO: update to German version! The explosive word game Quick thinkers and word savvy players are well placed for success in this fast- paced action, laden word challenge game. Get rid of the ticking bomb as quickly as possible and react with the right word at the perfect moment. And don´t forget to cheat, there are some extra features for even more fun during the Game!