Try to get to use of web notifications
Script will create Html5Notification object that will sutisfy
Supported browsers :
- Firefox 22+
- Safari 6+ (on X Mountain Lion)
- Chrome 22+
Chek permissions Html5Notification.permission
- default : user was never asked to allow notifications
- denied : user denie notifications
- allowed : user allow notifications
- unsuported : (non-standard) browser does not support notifications
Html5Notification.requestPermission(callback) : must be called from user guesture handler (like click) and will call callback with param 'allowed' if user allow notifications
var notif = new Html5Notification(title, { body : '', // notification text icon : '', // url for icon to be displayed in notification dir : '', // auto, ltr, rtl (default 'auto') - text direction tag : '' // some id to replace same notifications });
notif.onshow = fn; notif.onerror = fn; notif.oncancel = fn; notif.onclick = fn;
notif.close(); // cancel notification